Archivos de Categoría: Báltico

NATO Allies Are Rethinking Russia’s Supposed Military Prowess

Foreign Policy, 07.06.2022
Robbie Gramer y Amy Mackinnon, reporteros
But Russia’s early military failures in Ukraine don’t make it any less dangerous, military analysts warn.
During his decade and a half at the Pentagon, Christopher Skaluba read countless reports and assessments on the Russian military and how it squared up against NATO forces. Now that he...
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Baltic Citizens Worry They’re Next on Russia’s Menu

Foreign Policy, 11.01.2022
Kristaps Andrejsons, periodista radicado en Latvia y creador del podcast The Eastern Border
Moscow’s aggression has stirred old fears in its neighbors
It has been a turbulent few months in the Baltics. If you know history, it shouldn’t be surprising that Baltic publics are worried about Russia and the tumult in the post-Soviet region....
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What a bad time to pursue a solo foreign policy!

InFacts, 04.12.2019
David H.A. Hannay, miembro de la Cámara de los Lores y ex embajador británico (UE-ONU)
Nato’s 70th-anniversary leaders’ meeting at Watford may have papered over some of the cracks and tensions in the Alliance. But it cannot conceal the fact that the British government, with its determination to leave the EU on January 31,...
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Heading for (another) Ukraine-Russia gas fight?

Brookings, 30.08.2019
Steven K. Pifer, embajador (r) y académico norteamericano (FP-Center for 21st Century Security and Intelligence)
Twice in the past 14 years, a dispute between Ukraine and Russia has led Russia to cut off natural gas flows to Ukraine and Europe. The stage is being set for another cut-off in January....
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Remembering the Miracle of 1989

Project-Syndicate, 19.08.2019 
Carl Bildt, ex ministro de RREE (2006-14) y primer ministro sueco (1991-94)
Thirty years ago this month, a series of peaceful demonstrations in Eastern Europe set off a chain of events that culminated in the collapse of the Soviet Union. Looking back, it is now clear that Europe experienced a miracle in 1989: the...
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La Guerra Fría revive en los cielos y los mares

El Mercurio, 16.07.2017
Jean Palou Egoaguirre
Tensión por seguidilla de incidentes militares entre las principales potencias:
Cada vez más frecuentes y osadas, las interceptaciones entre aviones de Rusia y de la OTAN han elevado la temperatura en el Báltico y el Mar Negro. Estados Unidos y China hacen lo propio en los territorios disputados en el Asia Pacífico....
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Another Reset with Russia?

Project-Syndicate, 24.01.2017
Robert Skidelsky, profesor de Economía Política (U. de Warwick) y miembro de la British Academy 
in History and Economics
The question of the West’s relationship with Russia has been buried by media stories of hacking, sex scandals, and potential blackmail. The dossier by former British spy Christopher Steele about US President Donald Trump’s activities in...
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Cold War Ghosts

London Review of Books, 12.01.2017
Peter Pomerantsev
  •  ‘Russia is a mental subcontinent, the subconscious of the West. This is why we place our fears, our phobias and foibles in Russia,’ a character says in Zinovy Zinik’s novel Sounds Familiar or The Beast of Artek.
The book, published last summer, explores the way the Kremlin Menace can loom to...
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A 25 años del derrumbe de la Unión Soviética y el fin de la Guerra Fría

La Tercera, 08.12.2016
Cristina Cifuentes
Un día como hoy se sepultó a la URSS con la creación de la Comunidad de Estados Independientes (CEI)
“Queridos compatriotas y conciudadanos, a causa de la situación que se ha creado con la formación de la Comunidad de Estados Independientes (CEI), pongo fin a mis funciones de presidente de la Unión...
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