Archivos de Categoría: Conflicto Armado

Countering a Shapeless Terrorist Threat

Security Weekly, 10.09.2015
Scott Stewart
Last week's Security Weekly discussed how the digital revolution has allowed terrorist operatives employing leaderless resistance methods to act as their own media. For groups such as al Qaeda and the Islamic State, this ability greatly enhances the effectiveness of propaganda. At the same time, however, the information disseminated benefits authorities by providing valuable...
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Llegan los godos al imperio vencido

El País, 18.09.2015
Arturo Pérez-Reverte, periodista y escritor español
En el año 376 después de Cristo, en la frontera del Danubio se presentó una masa enorme de hombres, mujeres y niños. Eran refugiados godos que buscaban asilo, presionados por el avance de las hordas de Atila. Por diversas razones -entre otras, que Roma ya no era lo...
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What’s the Point of Peacekeepers When they Don’t Keep the Peace?

The Guardian, 17.09.2015
Chris McGreal, escritor senior
From Rwanda to Bosnia, Haiti to Congo, failures raise questions about future of United Nations blue helmets
Rwanda, 1994. The nadir of many lows for UN peacekeeping. Hundreds of desperate Tutsis sought refuge on the first day of the genocide at a school where 90 UN troops were under the command of...
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1945: Asia’s Powers Converge at Okinawa

Stratfor Global Intelligence, 06.09.2015
On Sept. 7, 1945, Japanese forces in the Ryukyu Islands officially surrendered to the Americans on the island of Okinawa. U.S. forces spent more than 80 days between April and June 1945 taking the island. The battle ended with 300,000 military and civilian casualties, the death of U.S. Lt. Gen. Simon Bolivar...
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Walk with the Devil: Evil Bargains and the Islamic State

War on the Rocks, 02.09.2015
Patrick Porter, director académico del Strategic and Security Institute (University of Exeter)
How to counter the Islamic State is an especially difficult problem for Western policymakers, but the issue of compromise, and which devil to dance with, cannot be dodged forever.
“My children,” President Franklin Roosevelt pronounced in his fatherly way...
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Balas, abejas y chapuzas detienen una invasión

El País, 29.08.2015
Jacinto Antón, periodista (U. Autónoma de Barcelona) y escritor catalán
En Tanga, en África oriental, los alemanes consiguieron derrotar en 1914 a una fuerza británica muy superior
La batalla de Tanga no podía faltar este verano, como broche de la serie. Es cierto que su nombre de resonancias festivas, que en realidad se refiere a...
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One Year After the War: Gaza’s Lost Hopes

OpenDemocracy, 20.08.2015
Yasmeen Al-Khoudary, estudiante de magister en Cultural Heritage Studies (University College London)
A letter from Gaza, describing the impossibility of getting back to 'normal' one year after the war. Real change is needed before it is too late.
One year after we went through the third war on the Gaza Strip in six years, I find...
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