Archivos de Categoría: Gran Bretaña

Trump y May, ¿Reagan y Thatcher?

Pulso, 02.02.2017
Álvaro Iriarte, director de investigación Instituto Res Publica
El impacto de las ideas representadas por las figuras de Reagan y Thatcher fue mucho más amplio, llegando a ser una verdadera hoja de ruta para los partidos de centroderecha. El primer encuentro del Presidente Donald Trump con un líder mundial fue con la primera ministra de Reino...
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The Industrial Revolution: An Age of Opportunity

History Extra, 01.03.2013
Emma Griffin, profesora de historia (U. de East Anglia)
  • How 19th-century working-class autobiographies could revise our understanding of the industrial revolution...
[caption id="attachment_43678" align="alignnone" width="467"] Women and children also found work in factories and pits – here, a Bolton coal mine – but the welfare of children,...
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La irrealpolitik de Trump

Project-Syndicate, 28.01.2017
Shlomo Ben-Ami, ex ministro israelí de RREE y vicepresidente del Centro Internacional de Toledo
 para la Paz
Algunas personas en los Estados Unidos han elogiado al presidente electo Donald Trump por su presunto realismo; según ellas, el nuevo presidente hará lo que sea bueno para Estados Unidos, sin enredarse en espinosos dilemas morales ni dejarse...
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Uncovering the Brutal Truth about the British Empire

The Guardian, 18.08.2016
Marc Parry
The Harvard historian Caroline Elkins stirred controversy with her work on the crushing of the Mau Mau uprising. But it laid the ground for a legal case that has transformed our view of Britain’s past
Help us sue the British government for torture. That was the request Caroline Elkins, a Harvard historian, received...
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Theresa Maybe, Britain’s indecisive premier

The Economist, 07.01.2017
  • After six months, what the new prime minister stands for is still unclear—perhaps even to her
1 Within hours of the Brexit referendum last summer David Cameron had resigned, and within three weeks Theresa May had succeeded him as prime minister. The speed of her ascent...
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Theresa May Is a Religious Nationalist

Foreign Policy, 06.12.2016
Andrew Brown, periodista The Guardian y escritor
  • You can't understand the British prime minister’s politics, or her Brexit strategy, without understanding her Anglicanism
[caption id="attachment_40768" align="alignnone" width="720"]WPA Pool/Getty Images WPA Pool/Getty Images[/caption] One of the least understood, yet most important, things about British Prime Minister Theresa May is...
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May’s Revolutionary Conservatism

The Economist, 08.10.2016
  • Britain’s new prime minister signals a new, illiberal direction for the country
1 Mainstream politicos in Britain have long held these truths to be self evident. The left won the social battles of the past decades. The right won the economic ones. The resulting consensus combines...
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Theresa May at 60: finally, the cult of political youth has been slayed

The Independent, 30.09.2016
Sean O'Grady, subdirector general
  • Having lived through good times and bad, today’s political leaders are perhaps more inclined to follow Rudyard Kipling’s famous dictum to ‘meet with triumph and disaster, and treat those two impostors just the same’
[caption id="attachment_36082" align="alignnone" width="465"]Prime Minister Theresa May, who turns 60 tomorrow, reflects... 				</div>
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Fachoda, 1898: Francia e Inglaterra una vez más frente a frente

OpinionGlobal, 01.10.2016
Isabel Undurraga Matta, historiadora (PUC)
Esta vez no será en imponentes campos de batalla ni enfrentando a millonesde hombres: la escenografía será una sorpresa absoluta. El encuentro se producirá en un lugar del mundo que ninguna de las dos potencias habrían imaginado jamás: un villorrio llamado Fachoda, perdido en la inmensidad del Sudán (África Oriental)...
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