Archivos de Categoría: Gran Bretaña

Britain’s Status as a Trading Nation Ties It to Europe

Geopolitical Weekley, 08.09.2015
Mark Fleming-Williams, analista financiero y MBA de la U. de Leeds
At some point in the next two years, British voters will decide whether to remain a part of the European Union. This will be the first time Britons have been consulted on the subject since 1975, when 67 percent voted to stay in....
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Muslims Memories of West’s Imperialism

Informe especial
Consortiumnews, 04.09.2015
William R. Polk, historiador, escritor y ex profesor sobre el Medio Oriente en Harvard
American politicians know little about history, so they lash out at people from formerly colonized Third World nations without understanding the scars that the West’s repression and brutality have left on these societies, especially in the Muslim world
One result of...
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Walk with the Devil: Evil Bargains and the Islamic State

War on the Rocks, 02.09.2015
Patrick Porter, director académico del Strategic and Security Institute (University of Exeter)
How to counter the Islamic State is an especially difficult problem for Western policymakers, but the issue of compromise, and which devil to dance with, cannot be dodged forever.
“My children,” President Franklin Roosevelt pronounced in his fatherly way...
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Pondering Hitler’s Legacy

Geopolitical Weekley, 01.09.2015
George Friedman, presidente de Stratfor Global Intelligence
Happenstance has brought me today to a house on the Austria-Germany border, just south of Salzburg. That puts me about 3 miles from the German town of Berchtesgaden, on the German side of the border. Adolf Hitler's home, the Berghof, was just outside the town, on a...
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Balas, abejas y chapuzas detienen una invasión

El País, 29.08.2015
Jacinto Antón, periodista (U. Autónoma de Barcelona) y escritor catalán
En Tanga, en África oriental, los alemanes consiguieron derrotar en 1914 a una fuerza británica muy superior
La batalla de Tanga no podía faltar este verano, como broche de la serie. Es cierto que su nombre de resonancias festivas, que en realidad se refiere a...
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La Roca, espejo de España

El Mundo, 12.08.2015
Eva Díaz Pérez
Gibraltar no puede evitar su destino de campo de duelo anglo-español que asoma cuando se agostan los temas y hay que sacar punta a las cosas vencidas por exceso de sol y aburrimiento. Ahora el conflicto es por las incursiones de España en aguas inglesas de Gibraltar, aguas que tienen el...
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Nuremberg Trials Leave Behind Potent, Flawed Legacy

Deutsche Welle, 08.08.2015
Ben Knight
The Nuremberg trials of the Nazi leadership sparked a new era of international law and cooperation. They were founded on the London Charter, a visionary statute signed by the Allies on August 8, 1945.
In the middle of a city that had officially been categorized as "90-percent dead" a few months before, 21...
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What Northern Ireland Teaches Us about Today’s War on Terror

GlobalPost, 15.07.2015
Corinne Purtill, corresponsal senior en el Reino Unido
It was the 10th anniversary of the terrorist attack on London's transport system, and the memorial in Hyde Park was awash in flowers. Fifty-two metal plinths — one for each person killed on London Tube trains and buses on July 7, 2005 — rose against the sunny summer sky....
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Iran Is No ‘Strategic Ally’

World Affairs, 17.07.2015
Alan Johnson
With the nuclear deal done, it was no surprise that Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani, everybody’s favorite uncle, has been smiling beneficently. What is astonishing is that Sir Christopher Meyer, British ambassador to the United States from 1997 until his retirement in 2003, has been smiling back. In fact, writing in the Telegraph, Meyer—playing...
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