Lebanon Independance in a shaky Middle East

OpinionGlobal, 21.11.2017
Riad Fouad Saade, empresario libanés y cónsul honorario de Chile en Beirut
At the eve of Lebanon’s Independence Day (Nov 22), it is important to note how much this small and marginal country, is at the center of all problems of the Middle East

Simply because it is different than all countries of the region, would it be newly created (Syria, Iraq, Jordan, Saudi Arabia etc) or old empires (Persia, Turkey) or artificially newly implanted (Israel).

Lebanon experienced for the past three weeks a tense political test and Lebanon came out relatively successful: tomorrow the three Presidents Aoun (Republic) Berry (Parliament) Hariri (council of Ministers) will be united to celebrate Independence of Lebanon.

In this “shaky” Middle East, Lebanon could sometimes be “swallowed”, but never “digested”. It recovers always: free, dynamic, creative and culturally active.

The following analysis says it all about the present situation (France’s Macron Covers for Saudi Aggression by Finian Cunningham, 'Strategic Culture', November 20, 2017).
When you will read my message and the analysis, we will be approaching a new stage of the Middle East war between the two political parties of Islam (not the two different religions within Islam): Sunni party, led by Wahhabi Saudi Arabia, and Chiia party, led by the Islamic Republic of Iran

Once again Lebanon will be part of the “war of others on its territory”. For having done it for the past 76 years, I am confident that, whatever “others” will do, WE SHALL NEXT YEAR, CELEBRATE AGAIN OUR INDEPENDENCE

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