Entradas nuevas por Fabio Vio Ugarte

The Geopolitics of the Syrian Civil War

Geopolitical Weekly, 24.01.2014
Reva Bhalla, analista de seguridad con MBA (Georgetown University)
International diplomats will gather Jan. 22 in the Swiss town of Montreux to hammer out a settlement designed to end Syria's three-year civil war. The conference, however, will be far removed from the reality on the Syrian battleground. Only days before the conference was scheduled...
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Turkey in Danger

Voltaire Network, 30.07.2015
Thierry Meyssan, intelectual especializado en Relaciones Internacionales y fundador de Voltaire Network
While the Western Press salutes the authorisation given by Turkey to the United States, allowing the US to use its military bases in order to fight Daesh, Thierry Meyssan looks at the nation’s internal tensions. In his view, maintaining Mr. Erdoğan in...
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Desert Storm, the Last Classic War

Council on Foreign Relations, 31.07.2015
Richard N. Haass, presidente de Council on Foreign Relations
Twenty-five years after Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait, the lessons of the Gulf War remain urgent, even in today’s chaotic Middle East
It was mid-July 1990, and for several days the U.S. intelligence community had been watching Saddam Hussein mass his forces along Iraq’s border...
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Scraping the Barrel: Will Ecuador Turn Into Latin America’s Greece?

The Economist, 01.08.2015
Visitors arriving at Quito’s new airport are swept to Ecuador’s capital, 35km (22 miles) away, along a brand new six-lane motorway. Together with new hospitals, schools, social housing and benefits and student grants, the vastly improved road network is the work of President Rafael Correa’s “Citizens’ Revolution”. With his melange of technocratic modernisation...
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Alemania necesita más debate interno

El País, 30.07.2015
Timothy Garton Ash, profesor de Estudios Europeos (Universidad de Oxford)
La principal potencia europea se mueve con un consenso político y social excesivo sobre la eurozona. La posición del ministro Wolfgang Schäuble, una de las voces alemanas más europeístas, resulta preocupante
Pensar en Alemania no me quita el sueño. Pero, tras la reciente reafirmación de...
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Quantum Geopolitics

Stratfor, 28.07.2015
Reva Bhalla, experta en relaciones internacionales
Forecasting the shape the world will take in several years or decades is an audacious undertaking. There are no images to observe or precise data points to anchor us. We can only create a picture, and a fuzzy one at best. This is, after all, our basic human empirical...
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Permanencia del neoconservadurismo en la clase política estadounidense

Matías Salazar H.[*]
Con la caída de la Unión Soviética y el término de la Guerra Fría se pensó, erróneamente, que los argumentos neoconservadores en Washington caducarían. Con posterioridad, y tras ser sentenciados como incitadores de la costosa y duradera guerra en Irak, pareció que perderían su influencia en la formulación de la política exterior de...
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Comprendre les origines de la guerre au Yémen

Le Monde, 18.04.2015
Depuis le 26 mars, une coalition militaire menée par l'Arabie saoudite bombarde le Yémen. Elle agit à la demande du président Abd Rabbo Mansour Hadi, chassé du pays par une rébellion et réfugié à Riyad. Les rebelles houthistes, des chiites originaires du nord du pays, cibles des bombardements, sont quant à eux soutenus par l'Iran,...
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Iran Is No ‘Strategic Ally’

World Affairs, 17.07.2015
Alan Johnson
With the nuclear deal done, it was no surprise that Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani, everybody’s favorite uncle, has been smiling beneficently. What is astonishing is that Sir Christopher Meyer, British ambassador to the United States from 1997 until his retirement in 2003, has been smiling back. In fact, writing in the Telegraph, Meyer—playing...
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The Risks and Rewards of SCO Expansion

Council on Foreign Relations, 08.07.2015
William Piekos
On July 9–10, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) will hold its fifteenth summit in Ufa, Russia. At this meeting, the regional grouping—composed of China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan—will start the process of expansion for the first time with the inclusion of India and Pakistan. An expanded membership will...
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