Entradas nuevas por Fabio Vio Ugarte

The Risks and Rewards of SCO Expansion

Council on Foreign Relations, 08.07.2015
William Piekos
On July 9–10, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) will hold its fifteenth summit in Ufa, Russia. At this meeting, the regional grouping—composed of China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan—will start the process of expansion for the first time with the inclusion of India and Pakistan. An expanded membership will...
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Momentous Times for Democracy in Europe

OpenDemocracy, 13.07.2015
Mary Kaldor, profesora de Governanza Global (London School of Economics & Political        Science)
The shocking behaviour of the Eurozone leaders in punishing Greece for voting against austerity has alarming implications for the future. Is it too late to put democracy and Europe together again? We are living through momentous...
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El futuro de América Latina: mirada a largo plazo

OpenDemocracy, 07.07.2015
Federico M. Rossi, sociólogo político
Lo que llevó a la izquierda a gobernar en esta parte del mundo debe entenderse como parte de un proceso de exclusión de la arena sociopolítica de las capas pobres de la sociedad. ¿Cómo definir la política de la última década y media en América del Sur? Existen diversas opciones. Una...
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The Koreas, Bastion of Cold War Realism

The Diplomat, 25.06.2015
Morgan Potts, editor del British Association for Korean Studies
A reluctant but pragmatic defense of neorealism in Northeast Asia. Nuclear crises, propaganda and espionage, a clash of ideologies – the Korean peninsula is the  only place in the world where the Cold War lingers. This persistence is the result of the 1953 Armistice Agreement and...
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Russia’s Role in Iran: Another Dimension of the Pivot to the East

European Energy Review, 24.06.2015
Irina Mironova
Russia is experiencing series of problems in its relations with the West; political contradictions, economic troubles exacerbated by the sanctions; diminishing demand for Russia’s energy recourse supplies in traditional markets are among reasons which justified Russia’s ‘pivot to Asia’. In this context, we are often discussing the role of growing economies...
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Who Lost Iraq?

Entrevista a funcionarios y académicos estadounidenses
Politico Magazine, julio/agosto 2015
Michael Crowley
Did George W. Bush create the Islamic State? Did Barack Obama? We asked the insiders to tell us who’s to blame. For a brief, happy—and misguided—moment, most Americans stopped thinking about Iraq. After withdrawing the last U.S. troops in 2011, President Barack Obama declared the country “sovereign,...
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Imperial Ambitions: Russia’s Military Buildup

World Affairs, junio 2015
Stephen Blank, miembro de American Foreign Policy Council
In September 2014, Russian President Vladimir Putin boasted that he could, at will, occupy any Eastern European capital in two days. This apparently spontaneous utterance reveals, probably more than Russia’s new official defense doctrine, Moscow’s true assessment of NATO’s capabilities, cohesion, and will to resist....
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Why Technology Hasn’t Delivered More Democracy

Foreign Policy, 03.06.2015
Thomas Carothers, presidente de estudios y director del Democracy & Rule of Law Program (Carne-gie Endowment for International Peace)
New technologies offer powerful tools for empowerment – yet democracy around the world is stagnating. What’s up? The current moment confronts us with a paradox. The first fifteen years of this century have been a time of...
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The New Containment: Undermining Democracy

World Affairs, mayo/junio 2015
Christopher Walker, director de estudios (Freedom House)
Nearly seven decades ago, George F. Kennan authored a seminal article that argued for a policy of containment to combat the spread of Soviet influence. Kennan’s essay came at a time when the Soviet Union, a frenemy to the West during World War II, was becoming...
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La Moral y la Ética en el uso de aviones no tripulados (Uav) como armas letales

Julio Soto Silva, Profesor Jefe de Postgrados
La llegada de los “drones” o aviones no tripulados (UAV por sus siglas en inglés “unmanned aerial vehicle”) al teatro de guerra en los últimos años, que podría ampliarse con exoesqueletos o retinas artificiales, da cuenta  que en el futuro cercano la tecnología dominará mucho más aún el campo...
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