Archivos de Categoría: Armas de Destrucción Masiva

Kim Jong-un, amenaza para la paz mundial

El Mundo, 16.04.2017
[caption id="attachment_48284" align="alignnone" width="495"] EFE[/caption] El enigmático líder norcoreano tiene claros rasgos de psicopatía, según los expertos, lo que no significa en modo alguno que no sepa lo que hace al frente del último régimen estalinista del planeta. Kim Jong-un ha vuelto a poner en vilo a la comunidad internacional...
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The Geopolitics of Iran: Holding the Center of a Mountain Fortress

Stratfor Global Intelligence, 16.12.2011
Analysis To understand Iran, you must begin by understanding how large it is. Iran is the 17th largest country in world. It measures 1,684,000 square kilometers. That means that its territory is larger than the combined territories of France, Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, Spain and Portugal — Western Europe. Iran is the 16th...
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North Korea (4): How North Korea Would Retaliate

Stratfor Global Intelligence, 26.05.2016


North Korea is powerless to prevent a U.S. strike on its nuclear program, but retaliation is well within its means. The significant military capability that North Korea has built up against South Korea is not advanced by Western standards, but there are practical...
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North Korea (5): The Cost of Intervention

Stratfor Global Intelligence, 27.05.2016


What North Korea lacks in sophistication it makes up for in guile. Its answer to any attack would go beyond conventional means to include its experienced commando force, cyberwarfare capability and submarine force, at the very least. Though North Korea has chemical weapons,...
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North Korea (1): Assessing the North Korean Hazard

Stratfor Global Intelligence, 23.05.2016


Few countries intrigue and perplex like the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. Isolated by choice from the ebbs and flows of the international system, North Korea is an island of its own making. It is often painted as a weak, fearsome lunatic with delusions...
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Antiterrorismo nuclear

El País, 03.04.2016
  • La Cumbre para la Seguridad Nuclear termina con resultados positivos pero aún insuficientes
1453205945_802277_1453209267_noticia_normal La Cumbre para la Seguridad Nuclear concluida en Washington ha trabado compromisos concretos de interés, en vez de escudarse en el deseable pero aún retórico objetivo de lograr un mundo desnuclearizado. Aunque...
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The Nuclear Near East!

Information Clearing House, 17.03.2016
Thierry Meyssan, periodista y activista político francés
While the West was applying pressure on Iran to abandon its civilian nuclear programme, the Saudis were buying the atomic bomb from Israel or Pakistan. In 1979, Israel completed the final adjustments to its atomic bomb, in collaboration with the apartheid régime of South Africa....
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The China-North Korea Relationship

CFR Backgrounder, 08.02.2016
Eleanor Albert y Beina Xu
[caption id="attachment_22009" align="alignnone" width="921"]Chinese Communist Party official Liu Yunshan with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un in Pyongyang. Photo: Kyodo/Reuters Chinese Communist Party official Liu Yunshan with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un in Pyongyang. Photo: Kyodo/Reuters[/caption]


China is North Korea’s most important ally,...
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Un convulsionado mundo multipolar

El Líbero, 23.01.2016
Juan Salazar Sparks, cientista político, embajador (r) y director ejecutivo de CEPERI
Son muchos los conflictos internacionales que se arrastran y otros que se manifestarán en el curso del 2016, poniendo en riesgo la paz y seguridad internacionales. Tal vez el más complejo concierne a una aparente guerra civil islámica (suníes vs. chiíes), con...
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Did Hiroshima Save Japan From Soviet Occupation?

Foreign Policy, 05.09.2015
Sergey Radchenko, profesor de política internacional (U. de Aberystwyth)
  • Stalin had planned to seize a major Japanese island. When Truman refused, Stalin blinked. Why?
[caption id="attachment_19412" align="alignnone" width="770"]( ([/caption] In the wee hours of Aug. 24, 1945, Soviet long-range bombers would take off from their air...
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