Archivos de Categoría: Comunismo

The Cautionary Tale of China’s Lin Biao

Stratfor Global Intelligence, 13.09.2015
Thomas Vien
"The revolution is like Saturn, she devours her own children," says doomed French revolutionary Georges Danton in Georg Buchner's 1835 play Danton's Death. The Chinese revolution — and its aftershocks throughout the period of Mao Zedong's rule — was no exception. On Sept. 13, 1971, a Chinese Trident 1E airliner crashed in...
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A 75 años del asesinato de Trotsky

Los Tiempos, 29.08.2015
Fernando Mires, filósofo boliviano
Hace 75 años (para ser preciso, el 20 de agosto) fue asesinado en México León Trotsky. Los hechos que condujeron al vil asesinato son conocidos. Ramón Mercader, comunista catalán, fue reclutado por la NKVD para que cometiera el crimen ordenado por Stalin, tarea que realizó con el más profesional de...
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The Chinese Communist Party

CFR Backgrounders, 17.11.2014
Beina Xu y Eleanor Albert, escritora editora
Introduction The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is the founding and ruling political party of modern China, boasting more than eighty-six million members. In 2012, the CCP underwent a pivotal once-in-a-decade power transition that saw its fifth generation of leaders set the future agenda for the second-largest economy in...
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Japan and Chinese Decision-Making

The Diplomat, 12.08.2015
Charles Douglas Appleton, asistente de investigación de Rebuilt Japan Initiative Foundation 
Understanding China’s decision-making process could help Japan create a better strategy.

“Our best chance of avoiding antagonism with China is to open up the black box of Chinese domestic politics, look inside, and figure out what makes China act as it...

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Imperial Ambitions: Russia’s Military Buildup

World Affairs, junio 2015
Stephen Blank, miembro de American Foreign Policy Council
In September 2014, Russian President Vladimir Putin boasted that he could, at will, occupy any Eastern European capital in two days. This apparently spontaneous utterance reveals, probably more than Russia’s new official defense doctrine, Moscow’s true assessment of NATO’s capabilities, cohesion, and will to resist....
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