Archivos de Categoría: Crimea

La crisis en Ucrania no debería ser indiferente para Argentina

Infobae, 26.01.2022
Roberto García Moritán, embajador (r) y ex viceministro de RREE argentino
El presidente Alberto Fernández debería mostrarse en Moscú a favor de la paz y conforme los principios consagrados en la Carta de las Naciones Unidas
La crisis de seguridad en Europa del Este se encuentra en un punto crítico ante el riesgo que el...
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What Biden should say to Putin on Ukraine

Brookings, 06.12.2021
Steven K. Pifer, embajador (r) y académico norteamericano (Brookings)
President Joe Biden will hold a secure video call with Russian President Vladimir Putin December 7 against the backdrop of a menacing Russian military build-up near Ukraine. U.S. intelligence believes the Russians may amass 175,000 troops near its western neighbor early in 2022. Does Putin intend...
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Anglo-American tripwire traps Russian bear

Indian Punchline, 03.07.2021
M.K. Bhadrakumar, ex diplomático y columnista indio
The Russian President Vladimir Putin has stated in black and white during a nationally telecast interview on June 30 that the mysterious incident a week earlier involving a British guided missile destroyer HMS Defender off Crimea in the Black Sea was an act of ‘provocation’. Putin called it...
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La UE debe repensar su relación con Rusia

La Opinión de Málaga, 22·02·21
Jorge Dezcállar de Mazarredo, Embajador de España, ex director del CNI y columnista
La UE debe repensar su relación con Rusia
Rusia puede ser muchas cosas a la vez para Europa: un aliado esporádico, un suministrador energético, o una amenaza sistémica, no siempre es un vecino amistoso, pero siempre es importante. Que...
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Ukraine – Then and Now

Entrevista [Steven K. Pifer, embajador (r) y académico norteamericano]
Brookings, 03.09.2020
Vital Interests Forum
Vital Interests: Steven, thanks for talking to us about Ukraine in the Vital Interests Forum . As a former Foreign Service officer you have expertise in this region and served as its Ambassador from 1998 to 2000 - a time when Ukraine was...
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Why care about Ukraine and the Budapest Memorandum

Brookings, 05.12.2019
Steven K. Pifer, economista (Stanford), embajador (r) y académico norteamericano (Brookings)
Since 2014, when Russia annexed Crimea from Ukraine, the United States has provided Ukraine with $3 billion in reform and military assistance and $3 billion in loan guarantees. U.S. troops in western Ukraine train their Ukrainian colleagues. Washington, in concert with the European Union, has...
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Ukraine: Looking forward, five years after the Maidan Revolution

Brookings, 22.02.2019
Steven K. Pifer, embajador(r) y académico norteamericano(Center for 21 Century Security & Intelligence)
Five years after the Maidan Revolution drove out an authoritarian president, Ukraine has made significant progress on domestic reform and agreed on the goal of becoming a normal European state. However, Ukraine has more to do, and it has to pursue further...
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The battle for Azov: Round 1 goes to Russia

Brookings, 03.12.2018
Steven K. Pifer, embajador (r) y académico norteamericano (Center for 21st Century Security and
On November 25, Russian border patrol ships attacked and seized three Ukrainian naval vessels attempting to transit from the Black Sea to the Sea of Azov via the Kerch Strait. That violated both maritime law and a 2003 Ukraine-Russia agreement that...
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Rusia recupera hegemonía

El Mercurio, 17.08.2018
Jaime Lagos Erazo, abogado y embajador (r)
Desde la desintegración de la ex Unión Soviética, la actual Rusia, bajo su nuevo zar, Vladimir Putin, paulatinamente ha estado reconstruyendo ese antiguo Imperio. Con este designio, una vez asegurada una mayor presencia en el Ártico, la política expansionista rusa se dirigió hacia el sur, para asegurar una...
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