Artículo Economía Exterior, Nº 73 (Verano 2015) Fernando DelageEl gobierno de Modi muestra una gran determinación con respecto a sus principales objetivos exteriores: maximizar los intercambios comerciales, financieros y tecnológicos con los Estados de su periferia; consolidar la nueva asociación con EE UU y reequilibrar la relación con ChinaLa realización del siglo de Asia –señaló el primer...
Kissinger the Freedom Fighter
Opinión The Wall Street Journal, 18.09.2015 Niall Ferguson, historiador británico y profesor de HarvardHenry Kissinger is often condemned as a heartless practitioner of realpolitik. But early in his career, he was strikingly idealisticSurely no statesman in modern times, and certainly no American secretary of state, has been as revered and then as reviled as Henry Kissinger. At the height...
What’s the Point of Peacekeepers When they Don’t Keep the Peace?

Artículo The Guardian, 17.09.2015 Chris McGreal, escritor seniorFrom Rwanda to Bosnia, Haiti to Congo, failures raise questions about future of United Nations blue helmetsRwanda, 1994. The nadir of many lows for UN peacekeeping. Hundreds of desperate Tutsis sought refuge on the first day of the genocide at a school where 90 UN troops were under the command of...
Is The Pope Catholic? Yes, But You Wouldn’t Know It From His Press Clips
Informe especial Businessweek, 10.09.2015 Alexander NazaryanPopes don’t have batting averages, their work resisting easy quantification: Souls Saved Per Mass, Doctrinal Clarifications Per Encyclical, that sort of thing. But one measure does seem especially telling about the tenure of Pope Francis, and it is the frequency with which his face and words appear on T-shirts. You can announce...
1945: Asia’s Powers Converge at Okinawa
Análisis Stratfor Global Intelligence, 06.09.2015On Sept. 7, 1945, Japanese forces in the Ryukyu Islands officially surrendered to the Americans on the island of Okinawa. U.S. forces spent more than 80 days between April and June 1945 taking the island. The battle ended with 300,000 military and civilian casualties, the death of U.S. Lt. Gen. Simon Bolivar...
Mantra for 9/11: Fourteen Years Later, Improbable World
Artículo TomDispatch, 08.09.2015 Tom Engelhardt, co-fundador del American Empire Project y miembro del National InstituteFourteen years later and do you even believe it? Did we actually live it? Are we still living it? And how improbable is that? Fourteen years of wars, interventions, assassinations, torture, kidnappings, black sites, the growth of the American national security state to monumental...
Walk with the Devil: Evil Bargains and the Islamic State
Artículo War on the Rocks, 02.09.2015 Patrick Porter, director académico del Strategic and Security Institute (University of Exeter)How to counter the Islamic State is an especially difficult problem for Western policymakers, but the issue of compromise, and which devil to dance with, cannot be dodged forever.“My children,” President Franklin Roosevelt pronounced in his fatherly way...
Conmemorando Hiroshima y Nagasaki (1945): una maniobra estratégica pero injustificada

Matías Cristóbal Salazar H.[1]
Si bien, las secuelas inmediatas de las bombas atómicas en Hiroshima y Nagasaki no fueron (significativamente) más avasalladoras que las destrucción de los bombardeos incendiarios en Tokio, éstas fueron un acto injustificado incentivado por intereses estratégicos y geopolíticos.El día 6 de agosto de 1945 el “Enola Gay”, un...
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Pondering Hitler’s Legacy
Análisis Geopolitical Weekley, 01.09.2015 George Friedman, presidente de Stratfor Global IntelligenceHappenstance has brought me today to a house on the Austria-Germany border, just south of Salzburg. That puts me about 3 miles from the German town of Berchtesgaden, on the German side of the border. Adolf Hitler's home, the Berghof, was just outside the town, on a...
Why the U.S. Feels It Must Contain Russia
Análisis Stratfor Global Intelligence Eugene Chausovsky, ruso-norteamericano licenciado en RRII (U. de Texas)At the outset of the Cold War, in 1946, U.S. diplomat George F. Kennan sent what became popularly known as the "long telegram" from the embassy in Moscow outlining a policy of containment in dealing with the Soviet Union. The policy was made public in...