Archivos de Categoría: EEUU

World War II and the Origins of American Unease

Geopolitical Weekly, 12.05.2015
George Friedman, fundador y presidente de Stratfor Global Intelligence
We are at the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II in Europe. That victory did not usher in an era of universal peace. Rather, it introduced a new constellation of powers and a complex balance among them. Europe's great powers and empires...
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Qué piensa Hillary Clinton

MgMagazine, 03.05.2015
Jordi Jarque
Hillary Clinton anunció el pasado 12 de abril su candidatura por el partido demócrata a la presidencia de Estados Unidos tras un par de años de aparente inactividad política. Esta es una aproximación a su manera de pensar y sentir el mundo a través de frases que, a modo de abecedario, ha pronunciado...
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Prelude to a Japanese Revival

Geopolitical Weekly, 28.04.2015
John Minnich analista político y económico (U. de Cornell)
Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has arrived in Washington, the third stop on his maiden voyage to the United States since assuming office in 2012. Over the next two days, he will hold a summit with U.S. President Barack Obama on U.S.-Japanese defense and trade cooperation,...
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Weighing the Geopolitics of the Vietnam War

Stratfor Global Intelligence, 03.05.2015
Summary South Vietnam's capital city, Saigon, fell to invading North Vietnamese troops on April 30, 1975. The image of an overloaded Huey helicopter on top of the U.S. Embassy in Saigon, frantically loading refugees, was forever seared into the American mind. It was the ignominious end of more than a decade of involvement by the...
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Beyond the US Rebalance to Asia: A Regional Perspective

The Diplomat, 29.04.2015
David Lang
A look at what US allies and partners are doing in the Asia-Pacific. The future of America’s rebalance to the Asia–Pacific continues to be a topic of much discussion and speculation. There’s no doubt that the rebalance has steadily continued over the past few years—albeit with less fanfare than many thought would be...
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Why we Liked Americans Better during the Cold War

Politico Magazine, 07.04.2015
Leonid Gozman, dirigente del Partido Liberal Ruso (SPS)
The United States has a short-term and a long-term problem in Russia. The shorter-term and easier problem is the hostile attitude of Vladimir Putin and his Kremlin cronies toward Washington. The longer-term and much tougher challenge is the enmity of the Russian people themselves. It may...
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Mr. Rubio Offers a Candidacy Based on Ideals

The Washington Post, 14.04.2015
Marco Rubio formally entered the GOP presidential field Monday with an address at Miami’s Freedom Tower. The setting, a building through which Cuban immigrants transited in their escape from Fidel Castro’s Cuba, highlighted two core themes on which the Florida senator will base his campaign: an inspiring personal story and a promise...
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In Search of Past Times: Tiger Woods at the Augusta Masters 2015

OpinionGlobal, 12.03.2015
Cristián Maquieira A., ex embajador chileno
This is the season to be glued to the TV, watching the Augusta Masters golf tournament.  I sit there four hours a day looking at these giants of the links do extraordinary feats with their golf clubs. Remarkable distances from the tee box, long,majestic iron shots from the fairways,...
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¿Crisis en las Relaciones de Israel y Estados Unidos?

Cristián Maquieira (1)
Estados Unidos e Israel enfrentarán esta semana uno de los momentos más tensos en sus relaciones bilaterales. El Primer Ministro Netanyahu visita Washington en estos días y no será recibido en la Casa Blanca. ¿Cuál es el motivo de este imbroglio? Irán y las negociaciones internacionales sobre su política nuclear. Como se recordará, el Presidente...
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