Archivos de Categoría: Kremlin

El reporte del Departamento de Estado que apunta que Chile como posible nodo de la desinformación rusa en Latinoamérica

La Tercera, 09.11.2023
Bastián Díaz
Washington asegura que Moscú estaría financiando una campaña de desinformación en América Latina, con el objetivo de persuadir de que el Kremlin podría ser un aliado para “derrotar al neocolonialismo”. En ese esquema, Chile tendría un lugar central, albergando al “equipo editorial” que influiría a favor de Rusia. Este martes, el Departamento...
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Why Putin Will Never Agree to De-escalate

Foreign Policy, 13.06.2023
Maxim Samorukov, investigador del Carnegie Russia Eurasia Center
  • Regardless of Ukraine’s counteroffensive, Russia is bracing for a long war
As Ukraine accelerates its counteroffensive across several sections of the front, a rational person might conclude that 2023 must surely be the last year of Russia’s war against its neighbor. Russian military resources are...
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Staring Down the Black Hole of Russia’s Future

Foreign Policy, 10.03.2023
Anastasia Edel, historiadora social y escritora ruso-norteamericana
A Ukrainian victory may be the country’s only chance at long-term salvation
We used to live in a world where large-scale conventional wars that left thousands of dead and wounded existed only in video games and books. A world where mutually beneficial commercial activity was guaranteed by...
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The Russian Army Is Preparing for a Fresh Attack

Foreign Policy, 15.12.2022
Maxim Samorukov, académico del Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
  • Many of the problems from the initial draft have been solved.
There is a consensus emerging in the West that Russia has already lost its war against Ukraine. The timing, cost, and scope of Ukraine’s victory may be unknowable, but survival of the sovereign...
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Make sense of Vladimir Putin’s war

The Economist, 23.12.2022
How the Kremlin’s unprovoked invasion led Russia into a bloody morass
When the Second Battle of El Alamein in Egypt ended in November 1942, Winston Churchill reflected on the British victory. « This is not the end. It’s not even the beginning of the end », he warned memorably. « But it is, perhaps, the end...
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An Alternate Reality: How Russia’s State TV Spins the Ukraine War

The New York Times, 15.12.2022
As Russian tanks were stuck in the mud outside Kyiv earlier this year and the economic fallout of war with Ukraine took hold, one part of Russia’s government hummed with precision: television propaganda. Spinning together a counternarrative for tens of millions of viewers, Russian propagandists plucked clips from American cable news,...
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All the Kremlin’s Trolls

Foreign Policy, 18.11.2022
Amy Mackinnon, reportera en seguridad nacional e inteligencia (Foreign Policy)
How Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has put Moscow’s worldwide influence operations to the test.
In the summer of 2018, a little-known Russian journalist arrived in Washington with a bold plan to test the limits of U.S. freedom of speech. Special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation...
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Cuando el crimen organizado es el gobierno

La Tercera, 31.10.2022
Moisés Naím, exministro venezolano y analista (Carnegie Endowment for International Peace)
Tanto Mohamed Bin Salmán el príncipe heredero de Arabia Saudí como Ji Xinping el presidente de China o el zar Vladimir Putin han lanzado feroces campañas contra la corrupción. Lo mismo han hecho dictadores en todo el mundo. Un buen número de...
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Adiós, Mijaíl Gorbachov

El Líbero, 31.08.2022
Alejandro San Francisco, historiador (PUC-Oxford) y académico (USS-PUC)
A los 91 años falleció quien es considerado uno de los hombres más importantes del siglo XX. Como líder de la Unión Soviética, impulsó el proceso de reformas que pusieron fin al régimen comunista, y llevaron a una democratización progresiva y a una apertura cultural....
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