Archivos de Categoría: Armamentismo

Does the Legality of Nuclear War Matter?

War on the Rocks, 19.08.2015
Butch Bracknell, ex marine, abogado internacional y miembro del Truman National Security       Project's Defense Council (University of Virginia)
The seven-decade anniversary of the end of the Second World War gives us good reasons to reflect on the use of nuclear weapons in armed conflict and what...
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Las otras armas de destrucción masiva

Estudios de Política Exterior, 06.08.2015
Jaime Torroja
Con el paso de los siglos, el ser humano ha ido refinando cada vez más los instrumentos que emplea para eliminar a aquellos que le son odiosos. El pináculo de la industria de la muerte quizá sean aquellas armas que tienen el terrorífico nombre de Armas de Destrucción Masiva (WMD...
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Towards a Rational U.S. Strategy (Part II)

Consortiumnews, 01.07.2015
William R. Polk, consultor en política exterior y profesor de Harvard
The ultimate madness of today’s U.S. foreign policy is Official Washington’s eager embrace of a new Cold War against Russia with the potential for nuclear annihilation. A rational strategy would seek alternatives to this return to big-power confrontation. In Part One, I dealt at length with America’s relationship with...
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Imperial Ambitions: Russia’s Military Buildup

World Affairs, junio 2015
Stephen Blank, miembro de American Foreign Policy Council
In September 2014, Russian President Vladimir Putin boasted that he could, at will, occupy any Eastern European capital in two days. This apparently spontaneous utterance reveals, probably more than Russia’s new official defense doctrine, Moscow’s true assessment of NATO’s capabilities, cohesion, and will to resist....
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The Russian Military

CFR Backgrounder, 20.03.2015
Jonathan Masters, editor adjunto
Introduction The Russian military suffered years of neglect after the Soviet collapse and no longer casts the shadow of a global superpower. However, the Russian armed forces are in the midst of a historic overhaul with significant consequences for Eurasian politics and security. Russian officials say the reforms are necessary to...
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Lethal Autonomous Systems and the Plight of the Non-combatant

Georgia Institute of Technology
Ronald Arkin
It seems a safe assumption, unfortunately, that humanity will persist in conducting warfare, as evidenced over all recorded history. New technology has historically made killing more efficient, for example with the invention of the longbow, artillery, armored vehicles, aircraft carriers, or nuclear weapons. Many view that each of these new technologies...
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Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems: Future Challenges

Center for Security Studies (CSS): CSS Analyses on Security Policy - No 164, Noviembre 2014
Matthias Bieri y Marcel Dickow
The challenge that armed drones pose for international law and arms control has only prevailed for a few years. However, experts are al- ready dealing with questions that will arise in the course of technical advances –...
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“Algo huele mal en Dinamarca”

OpinionGlobal, 11.05.2015
No hemos reparado suficientemente en Chile unas recientes declaraciones del Embajador de la Federación Rusa en Dinamarca, Mikhail Vanin, advirtiendo que si ese país resolvía ser parte del Sistema de Defensa Antimisiles (SDA), con la participación de buques de guerra daneses (de última generación), se constituiría en un "blanco legítimo" para las fuerzas nucleares...
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