Archivos de Categoría: Asia

Xi Jinping’s thinking is ranked alongside Mao’s

The Economist, 24.10.2017
  • Does this mean no one can challenge him?
The constitution of the Chinese Communist Party defines what it means to be a party member and lists the organisation’s core beliefs. On October 24th a new principle was added to it: “Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with...
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The North Korean Cult

Project-Syndicate, 09.10.2017
Ian Buruma, historiador y editor del The New York Review of Books
It is possible that North Korea's leader, Kim Jong-un, and perhaps even some subjects of his despotic rule, would rather be obliterated than give in. It would not be the first time that a quasi-religious movement turned...
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Meet Kim Yo-jong, the sister who is the brains behind Kim Jong-un’s image

The Guardian, 09.10.2017
Justin McCurran
  • North Korean leader’s sibling is about 30, and a computing graduate turned propagandist who has helped her brother cement his grip on power
Kim Yo-jong’s promotion to the politburo of North Korea’s workers’ party is a sign that Kim Jong-un has absolute trust in his younger sister – rumoured to be the brains behind his carefully...
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North Korea: Kim Jong-un promotes sister Kim Yo-jong to centre of power

The Guardian, 08.10.2017
  • Promotion further consolidates family’s power as leader says nation’s nuclear weapons are a ‘powerful deterrent’
[caption id="attachment_23230" align="alignright" width="400"] North Korean leader Kim Jong-un (right) accompanied by younger sister, Kim Yo-jong. KCNA/EPA[/caption] North Korean leader Kim Jong-un has promoted his sister Kim Yo-jong to the politburo – the nation’s...
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Aung San Suu Kyi contra las cuerdas

El País, 23.09.2017
Sami Nair
  • Si los militares quieren defenestrar a la premio Nobel no podrá esperar apoyo internacional
[caption id="attachment_22337" align="alignright" width="401"] Aung San Suu Kyi, durante su intervención sobre la situación de los rohingyas en Myanmar. Aung Shine OO. AP/EFE[/caption] Después del silencio cómplice con los militares sobre la expulsión...
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Aung San Suu Kyi, ‘irresponsable’

El País, 09.09.2017
Sami Nair
  • La Nobel de la Paz birmana se ha convertido en fiel aliada de los dictadores y es ahora parte del problema de derechos humanos en Myanmar
[caption id="attachment_21892" align="alignleft" width="400"] Una protesta en Jalalabad (Afganistán) contra la opresión de los musulmanes en Myanmar. Noorulah Shirzada/AFP[/caption] ¿Cómo...
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The Passion of Liu Xiaobo

The New York Review of Books, 15.07.2017
Perry Link, presidente del directorio (U. de California-Riverside)
In the late 1960s Mao Zedong, China’s Great Helmsman, encouraged children and adolescents to confront their teachers and parents, root out “cow ghosts and snake spirits,” and otherwise “make revolution.” In practice, this meant closing China’s schools. In the decades since, many...
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El hombre que no odió

El País, 14.07.2017
  • La muerte de Liu Xiaobo es otra muestra de crueldad del régimen chino
[caption id="attachment_18685" align="alignright" width="399"] Manifestación en homenaje a Liu Xiaobo en Hong Kong tras conocerse su muerte. KIN CHEUNG (AP)[/caption] "No tengo enemigos, no conozco el odio”. Las palabras pronunciadas por Liu Xiaobo ante...
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Una líder del tamaño de Mandela y Luther King

Prodavinci, 02.07.2017
Wolfgang Gil Lugo
[caption id="attachment_18025" align="alignnone" width="419"] “La libertad y la democracia son sueños a los que nunca renuncias”, Aung San Suu Kyi[/caption] Una marcha de ciudadanos humildes camina por los senderos de un país empobrecido. Los manifestantes son pacifistas que exigen democracia para su país ante la opresión...
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Connectivity, Not Primacy, Is the Way of the World

Global Affairs, 08.03.2017
Parag Khanna
[caption id="attachment_45842" align="alignnone" width="442"] As emerging markets form more connections in all directions, they're becoming less reliant on the developed world.(Ekaphon Maneechot/Shutterstock)[/caption] As surprising as it may seem, speaking of "deglobalization" as an unstoppable trend became fashionable long before Donald Trump was elected the United States'...
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