Archivos de Categoría: Asia

Por qué los países están destinando cada vez más dinero a su defensa

Infobe, 02.05.2019 
Roberto García Moritán, embajador (r) y ex viceministro de RREE argentino
La seguridad internacional sigue siendo materia de preocupante deterioro con un aumento generalizado, por segundo año consecutivo, del gasto en defensa. Los desembolsos militares globales, en términos interanuales, subieron un 2,6% y marcan un récord desde 1988, el final de la Guerra Fría. Las...
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Aung San Suu Kyi Is A Politician, Not A Monster

Foreign Policy, 14.05.2018
Peter A. Coclanis, historiador, profesor y director del Global Research Institute (U. de NC-Chapel Hill)
  • Western liberals projected their own hopes onto "the Lady" — and then blamed her for not living up to them
[caption id="attachment_30307" align="alignright" width="400"] Volunteers take down posters of Aung San Suu Kyi...
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Brzezinski’s Ghost Shapes Washington Eurasia Geopolitics

New Eastern Outlook, 15.05.2018 
William Engdahl
One of the most outstanding features of a truly standing-out Trump Presidency to date is how precisely the actual policy developments, when we clear away the deliberate smoke and mirrors of tweets and scandal, follow a basic strategy of Washington geopolitics going back to at least 1992. This is the case...
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Will Shashi Tharoor’s Recommendations Reform the MEA for the Better?

The Wire, 25.10.2017
Kishan S. Rana, ex embajador indio y académico del Institute of Chinese Studies-Nueva Delhi
Examining the three measures Tharoor suggested, and others which are debated frequently, aimed at improving India’s foreign policy and its delivery
Congress member of parliament Shashi Tharoor, a former United Nations undersecretary general and a former minister of state in the...
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Aung San Suu Kyi: la ‘dama’ ciega

El Periódico, 02.12.2017
Rosa Massagué
La expulsión de los rohinyá ha minado la autoridad moral de la política y activista birmana
El comité del Premio Nobel de la Paz otorgó dicho galardón a Aung San Suu Kyi por su lucha no violenta a favor de la democracia y los derechos humanos y por ser un símbolo contra la opresión. Así el comité...
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China’s New Emperor

Project-Syndicate, 25.10.2017
Chris Patten, ex governador de Hong Kong, ex comisionado de la UE para asuntos externos y Canciller (U. de Oxford)
In another country, Chinese President Xi Jinping's concentration of power might trigger accusations of latter-day totalitarianism. In China, however, Xi's behavior has drawn praise from observers who believe that he is leading the way to...
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Xi Jinping’s thinking is ranked alongside Mao’s

The Economist, 24.10.2017
  • Does this mean no one can challenge him?
The constitution of the Chinese Communist Party defines what it means to be a party member and lists the organisation’s core beliefs. On October 24th a new principle was added to it: “Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with...
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The North Korean Cult

Project-Syndicate, 09.10.2017
Ian Buruma, historiador y editor del The New York Review of Books
It is possible that North Korea's leader, Kim Jong-un, and perhaps even some subjects of his despotic rule, would rather be obliterated than give in. It would not be the first time that a quasi-religious movement turned...
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