Columna El Confidencial, 30.10.2019 Jorge Dezcállar de Mazarredo, Embajador de EspañaCuando Abubakr al-Bagdadi, que se había radicalizado en una cárcel custodiada por soldados norteamericanos cerca de Mosul (Irak), proclamó el Califato desde la mezquita de Al Nuri (Mosul, 2014) y la creación del Estado Islámico (EI). Su ambición de imponerse a todos los musulmanes, primero, y a todo el mundo,...
Circus It Is! Islamic State Leader Urges More Attacks in First Purported Audio in Year
Carta OpinionGlobal, 23.08.2018 Ruad Fouad Saade, empresario libanés y cónsul honorario de Chile en BeirutBetween 2014 and 2017 a coalition of Combined Joint Task Force, grouping 16 countries, vowed to terminate ISIL/DAESH, a self-proclaimed State, sprout of the famous Al Qaida movement, itself launched by the famous Ben Laden. On January 30, 2018, President Trump during his State of...
El ISIS sobrevive en sus combatientes
Reportaje El País, 30.12.2017 Ángeles Espinosa
El fin de su control territorial sobre Irak y Siria no significa el final de la amenaza ‘yihadista’
Underground in Raqqa
Reportaje London Review of Books,Vol. 39 (20) 06.10.2017 Patrick CockburnShortly before the siege of Raqqa began in June, Islamic State officials arrested Hammad al-Sajer for skipping afternoon prayers. Hammad, who is 29, made a living from his motorbike: he carried people and packages, charging less than the local taxis. IS had arrested him a number of times before...
Entender Siria
Reseña de libros Esglobal, 04 Julio 2017 Cristina Manzano[caption id="attachment_18111" align="alignnone" width="549"] Vista de la ciudad de Daraa tras un bombardeo, Siria. (Mohamad Abazeed/AFP/Getty Images)[/caption]
Dos libros recientes ayudan a comprender los orígenes, la evolución y la realidad de la guerra en Siria.
Comment l’Etat islamique a reculé en Irak et en Syrie depuis 2014
Reportaje Le Monde, 13.03.2017 Pierre Breteau y Madjid ZerroukyAvec des effectifs désormais évalués à moins de 20 000 combattants par les renseignements américains, l’organisation Etat islamique (EI)(en foncé le territoire effectivement contrôlé, en clair les zones d'influence) continue de perdre du terrain en Syrie et en Irak et voit désormais son projet d’ancrage territorial de plus en plus menacé. Cette longue...
The Makings of a Caliphate
Análisis Global Affairs, 14.12.2016 Anisa Mehdi[caption id="attachment_41193" align="alignnone" width="442"] A picture...
The Man Who Could Have Stopped the Islamic State
Artículo Foreign Policy, 23.11.2016 Brian Fishman, investigador en contratterrorismo (New America Foundation)
Almost 10 years ago, an al Qaeda emissary was sent to tell Abu Musab al-Zarqawi to tone down his terrorism. The journey, and its failure, gave birth to ISIS.
ISIS (3): The Greatest Divorce In the Jihadi World
Artículo Foreign Policy, 18.08.2016 Harald Doornbos (periodista holandés) y Jenan Moussa (reportero de Al Aan TV)
Since its creation, we have learned about the Islamic State from its enemies. Its story has largely been told by those fighting the group in Iraq and Syria, traumatized civilians who have escaped its brutal rule, and the occasional defector. That...
ISIS (I): Present at the Creation
Artículo Foreign Policy, 16.08.2016 Harald Doornbos (periodista holandés) y Jenan Moussa (reportero de Al Aan TV de Dubai)
The never-told-before story of the meeting that led to the creation of ISIS, as explained by an Islamic State insider.
Since its creation, we have learned about the Islami State from its enemies. Its story has largely been...