Archivos de Categoría: Economía

Accounting for Inertia in Geopolitical Forecasting

Geopolitical Weekly, 02.06.2015
Rodger Baker, vicepresidente Análisis Asia Pacífico
Geopolitics, at least in the sense that we practice, is neither deterministic in its approach to understanding nations and their interactions nor simply synonymous with current events or international relations. At its most basic, geopolitics as a discipline seeks to explain the intersection between place and people, or...
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Sure, TPP Is ‘Win-Win’… Unless You Care About Human Rights

The Diplomat, 11.05.2015
John Sifton, director de Human Rights Watch en Asia
The Trans-Pacific Partnership won’t do much to improve the human rights situation in Asia. To hear the Obama Administration tell it, the Trans-Pacific Partnership, or TPP, is a win-win and cure-all. It will create jobs in the U.S., improve labor and environmental protections, improve business transparency...
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La revolución peruana y el capitalismo de los pobres

El Líbero, 21.04.2015
Mauricio Rojas, profesor asociado de Historia Económica (U. de Lund) y senior fellow de la FPP
Del caos al progreso Nadie hubiese podido imaginar a mediados de 1990 que dentro de 25 años Perú sería uno de los países más exitosos de América Latina, triplicando su PIB y reduciendo drásticamente la pobreza a pesar de...
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