Archivos de Categoría: Estado Islámico (ISIS)

El ‘califato del terror’ cumple un año

El Confidencial, 28.06.2015
Daniel Iriarte, corresponsal en Estambul
El Estado Islámico cumple un año mañana, tiempo suficiente para entender cuáles son sus objetivos, cuáles sus puntos débiles y para preparar una estrategia de choque Fanáticos. Genios de la propaganda. Terroristas peligrosos. Administradores eficientes. Asesinos crueles. Insurgentes de probada capacidad militar. El Estado Islámico es un fenómeno con tantas dimensiones que...
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Russia’s Role in Iran: Another Dimension of the Pivot to the East

European Energy Review, 24.06.2015
Irina Mironova
Russia is experiencing series of problems in its relations with the West; political contradictions, economic troubles exacerbated by the sanctions; diminishing demand for Russia’s energy recourse supplies in traditional markets are among reasons which justified Russia’s ‘pivot to Asia’. In this context, we are often discussing the role of growing economies...
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Who Lost Iraq?

Entrevista a funcionarios y académicos estadounidenses
Politico Magazine, julio/agosto 2015
Michael Crowley
Did George W. Bush create the Islamic State? Did Barack Obama? We asked the insiders to tell us who’s to blame. For a brief, happy—and misguided—moment, most Americans stopped thinking about Iraq. After withdrawing the last U.S. troops in 2011, President Barack Obama declared the country “sovereign,...
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The Jihadist Trap of Here and Now

Security Weekly, 25.06.2015
Scott Stewart
In recent weeks, I have found myself spending a lot of time thinking about the jihadist strategy of al Qaeda and how it compares to that of the Islamic State. Earlier this month, I wrote about the possibility that the al Qaeda brand of jihadism could outlast that of the Islamic State. Last...
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A Net Assessment on the Middle East

Geopolitical Weekly, 09.06.2015
George Friedman, fundador y presidente Stratfor Global Intelligence
The term "Middle East" has become enormously elastic. The name originated with the British Foreign Office in the 19th century. The British divided the region into the Near East, the area closest to the United Kingdom and most of North Africa; the Far East, which was...
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ISIS and the Shia Revival in Iraq

The New York Review of Books, 04.06.2015
Nicolas Pelham
“We’re ridding the world of polytheism, and spreading monotheism across the planet,” an ISIS preacher recently said in a video recording. Behind him one could see the ISIS faithful using sledgehammers, bulldozers, and explosives to destroy the eighth-century-BC citadel of the Assyrian king Sargon II at Khorsabad, ten...
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Vivir en el Califato (I y II)

Informe francés
Adnmundo, Parte I (26.02.2015) - Parte II (04.03.2015)
(Parte I) Histórico El prócer del estado islámico fue un yihadista jordano, Abu Musab al Zarqaui, que había combatido en Afganistán e intentado derrocar el rey de Jordania. En 1999, creo un grupo armado el Yama'at al-Tawhid wal-Yihad (‘Comunidad del Monoteísmo y la Yihad). Después de la invasión americana en...
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Una guerra posimperial

El País, 17.03.2015
Miguel Ángel Bastenier, periodista e historiador
Siete fuerzas se alinean en un entramado donde la noción de amigo y enemigo es irreconocible La guerra de Siria-Irak es el conflicto ejemplar de nuestro tiempo; el que sigue a la difuminación del poder de dos grandes imperios, EE UU y la URSS, que, aunque no sin sobresaltos,...
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