Archivos de Categoría: Guerrillas

44 horas de terror en el Achille Lauro

Blog histórico
El Comercio, 06.10.2015
Miguel García Medina
Palestina ha utilizado distintos medios para expresar al mundo su deseo de existir como Estado. El 7 de octubre de 1985 cuatro milicianos palestinos asestaron un golpe inesperado a Occidente para reclamar a Israel la liberación de 50 “prisioneros políticos”. El crucero Achille Lauro, botado en Holanda en 1946, fue el objetivo de...
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Countering a Shapeless Terrorist Threat

Security Weekly, 10.09.2015
Scott Stewart
Last week's Security Weekly discussed how the digital revolution has allowed terrorist operatives employing leaderless resistance methods to act as their own media. For groups such as al Qaeda and the Islamic State, this ability greatly enhances the effectiveness of propaganda. At the same time, however, the information disseminated benefits authorities by providing valuable...
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La reconciliación Washington-La Habana y su impacto en la región

Juan Salazar Sparks[1] Más de cinco décadas demoró la reanudación de las relaciones diplomáticas entre Cuba y los EEUU.- Los dos factores claves para poner fin al clima de guerra fría imperante entre ellos fueron, por una parte, los ingentes problemas económicos del régimen castrista y, por el otro, el importante giro dado por...
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The Rule of Boko Haram

The New York Review of Books, Vol.62 (12) 2015
Joshua Hammer
In early May, during the final days of the hot, dry season, I flew to Yola, the capital of Adamawa State in eastern Nigeria and an apparent safe haven from the Boko Haram insurgency. Over the past year, the radical Islamic fighters had taken over large...
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The Taliban

Resumen ejecutivo
CFR "InfoGuide" Presentation, 22.01.2015
  • The Taliban has outlasted the world’s most potent military forces and its two main factions now challenge the governments of Afghanistan and Pakistan. 
  • As U.S. troops draw down, the next phase of conflict will have consequences that extend far beyond the region.
The Taliban was toppled in Afghanistan in 2001 for harboring al-Qaeda,...
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Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP)

CFR Backgrounders, 16.06.2015
Introduction The militant Islamist group al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) was formed in January 2009 through a union of the Saudi and Yemeni branches of al-Qaeda. Jihadist antecedents in the region date to the early 1990s, when thousands of mujahadeen returned to Yemen after fighting the Soviet occupation in Afghanistan. Analysts rate the Yemen-based...
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A Net Assessment on the Middle East

Geopolitical Weekly, 09.06.2015
George Friedman, fundador y presidente Stratfor Global Intelligence
The term "Middle East" has become enormously elastic. The name originated with the British Foreign Office in the 19th century. The British divided the region into the Near East, the area closest to the United Kingdom and most of North Africa; the Far East, which was...
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The Secret History of SEAL Team 6: Quiet Killings and Blurred Lines

The New York Times,06.06.2015
Mark Mazzetti, Nicholas Kulish, Christopher Drew, Serge F. Kovaleski, Sean D. Naylor y John    Ismay
The unit best known for killing Osama bin Laden has been converted into a global manhunting machine with limited outside oversight. They have plotted deadly missions from secret bases in the badlands of Somalia. In Afghanistan,...
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ISIS and the Shia Revival in Iraq

The New York Review of Books, 04.06.2015
Nicolas Pelham
“We’re ridding the world of polytheism, and spreading monotheism across the planet,” an ISIS preacher recently said in a video recording. Behind him one could see the ISIS faithful using sledgehammers, bulldozers, and explosives to destroy the eighth-century-BC citadel of the Assyrian king Sargon II at Khorsabad, ten...
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