Archivos de Categoría: Afganistán

The Lost Generation in American Foreign Policy

The Hill, 15.09.2020
James F. Dobbins (ex embajador y académico norteamericano) y Gabrielle Tarini (analista RAND Corp.)
Over the past two decades, the United States has experienced a dramatic drop-off in international achievement. This has become more pronounced under President Trump, but the decline began during the presidency of George W. Bush. A recent RAND paper found that, throughout the...
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Russian bounty killing forces Trump’s hands on troop withdrawal from Afghanistan

Indian Punchline, 01.07.2020
M.K. Bhadrakumar, ex diplomático y columnista indio
As expected, the controversy over Russia’s alleged bounties for killing American and NATO troops in Afghanistan is steadily snowballing. The New York Times has come out with more leaks such as bank transfers from accounts identified with the Russian military intelligence to the Taliban, “hawala” transactions as well as...
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2.400 muertos y dos billones de dólares gastados en 18 años

republica, 04.03.2020
Inocencio F. Arias, embajador (r) y columnista español
Los Estados Unidos y y sus enemigos los talibanes de Afganistán han firmado un acuerdo en el que se establece que el ejército estadounidense (13.000 soldados) y los pequeños contingentes de aliados americanos abandonan progresivamente Afganistán, mientras que los talibanes se comprometen a no albergar terroristas de...
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Regional states won’t oppose US-Taliban deal

Indian Punchline, 03.03.2020
M.K. Bhadrakumar, ex diplomático y columnista indio
The reactions of the major regional states surrounding Afghanistan over the US-Taliban peace agreement in Doha Saturday reveal fault lines that are useful pointers in the Afghan peace process. A sardonic remark by the Indian foreign minister S. Jaishankar and an exceptionally anti-US outburst by the Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif apart,...
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Russians are coming — to the Indian Ocean

Indian Punchline, 13.01.2020
M.K. Bhadrakumar, ex diplomático y columnista indio
The Cold-War hypothesis that the Soviet Union was hoping to “wet its toes” in the Indian Ocean was in reality an extension of the geopolitical construct known as the “Anglo-Russian Question” that was written about by Lord Curzon, onetime viceroy of British India (1899-1905). We now know...
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The War in Afghanistan

OpinionGlobal, 15.09.2019
Riad Fouad Saade, empresario libanés y cónsul honorario de Chile en Beirut
Whether we have sympathy or not towards the United States of America, the leader of the free world to which we belong, it has been sometimes that we question some of its interventions in other countries’ affairs would it be economically financially or...
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Los talibanes hacen pupa en la Casa Blanca

Republica, 10.09.2019
Inocencio F. Arias, embajador (r) y columnista español
John Bolton, Consejero Nacional de seguridad de Trump, acaba de ser cesado por el presidente. Que lo anuncia con un tuit : “le he pedido que dimita porque estoy claramente en desacuerdo con él en muchos temas”. Los consejeros de seguridad del Presidente de los Estados...
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US-Led Afghan Peace Efforts

OpinionGlobal, 02.09.2019
Riad Fouad Saade, empresario libanés y cónsul honorario de Chile en Beirut
The ongoing world political quagmire, inherited from decades of short term attitudes of most world governments, and enhanced by the genuine diplomatic, political and economic style of US President Trump, may have got us to forget that if the 20th century was “the century...
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Trump’s Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad National Security Team

Strategic-Culture, 06.10.2018
James George Jatras, ex diplomático norteamericano y asesor internacional (liderazgo republicano-Senado)
Gareth Porter paints a dismal picture. Time and again, President Donald Trump indicates he wants to do the right thing: get out Afghanistan, get out of Syria, get out of South Korea. Every time, his national security team – the people he appointed – sends...
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¿Por qué Estados Unidos pierde todas las guerras que comienza?

Reseña de libro
Esglobal, 23.03.2018
Francis Ghilès, cientista político (Grenoble-Oxford) y analista internacional
[caption id="attachment_29077" align="alignnone" width="600"] Las fuerzas especiales de EE UU en el conflicto de Irak. Ahmad Al-Rubaye/AFP/Getty Images[/caption]
  • Un profundo análisis del historial de guerra de Estados Unidos, años en los que el país ha seguido cometiendo errores...
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