Archivos de Categoría: África

Africa: A Continent Ahead of and Behind Its Time

Global Affairs, 02.12.2015
Ian Morris
A few weeks ago, I spoke at a conference on the history of poverty. I talked about my most recent book, Foragers, Farmers, and Fossil Fuels: How Human Values Evolve, which describes how sources of energy, forms of social organization and systems of values have co-evolved across the past 20,000 years. Things seemed...
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España vs. Marruecos en el Sahara Occidental

El Sahara marroquí, en desarrollo

Cada 6 de noviembre, los marroquíes conmemoramos el aniversario de la Marcha Verde, que permitió a Marruecos recuperar provincias del Sahara que conforman una parte muy emblemática de su territorio, ya que no sólo fueron el origen de varias dinastías que gobernaron el país en siglos pasados, sino que...
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A Gun Smuggler’s Lamment

Foreign Policy, 05.10.2015
Elizabeth Dickinson, periodista con estudios africanos de la U. de Yale
Perched in a seaside villa in eastern Tunisia, Osama Kubbar had anxiously waited for days for the final news about his guns. It was May 2011, five months into the Arab Spring, and Kubbar, a Libyan smuggler, was remotely tracking the slow movements...
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What’s the Point of Peacekeepers When they Don’t Keep the Peace?

The Guardian, 17.09.2015
Chris McGreal, escritor senior
From Rwanda to Bosnia, Haiti to Congo, failures raise questions about future of United Nations blue helmets
Rwanda, 1994. The nadir of many lows for UN peacekeeping. Hundreds of desperate Tutsis sought refuge on the first day of the genocide at a school where 90 UN troops were under the command of...
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Muslims Memories of West’s Imperialism

Informe especial
Consortiumnews, 04.09.2015
William R. Polk, historiador, escritor y ex profesor sobre el Medio Oriente en Harvard
American politicians know little about history, so they lash out at people from formerly colonized Third World nations without understanding the scars that the West’s repression and brutality have left on these societies, especially in the Muslim world
One result of...
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Balas, abejas y chapuzas detienen una invasión

El País, 29.08.2015
Jacinto Antón, periodista (U. Autónoma de Barcelona) y escritor catalán
En Tanga, en África oriental, los alemanes consiguieron derrotar en 1914 a una fuerza británica muy superior
La batalla de Tanga no podía faltar este verano, como broche de la serie. Es cierto que su nombre de resonancias festivas, que en realidad se refiere a...
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The Rule of Boko Haram

The New York Review of Books, Vol.62 (12) 2015
Joshua Hammer
In early May, during the final days of the hot, dry season, I flew to Yola, the capital of Adamawa State in eastern Nigeria and an apparent safe haven from the Boko Haram insurgency. Over the past year, the radical Islamic fighters had taken over large...
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Le procès d’Hissène Habré s’ouvre sous tension à Dakar

Libération, 20.07.2015
Margot Chevance, enviada especial a Dakar (Senegal)
L'ancien dictateur tchadien accusé de crimes contre l'humanité, crimes de guerre et tortures refuse toujours de comparaître. «Courage monsieur le président, on est avec vous»«c’est le procès de la honte», scandent les militants pro-Habré, alors que l’ex-président tchadien accusé de crimes contre l’humanité, crimes de guerre et actes de torture...
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