Archivos de Categoría: África

La politique étrangère européenne: quel bilan?

La Revue Geopolitique, 02.06.2016
Maxime Lefebvre, diplomático francés y profesor (Sciences Po)
  • Voici un bilan inédit de l’action de l’Union européenne en matière de politique étrangère. A la fois ample et précis, Maxime Lefebvre sait distinguer l’essentiel de l’accessoire. Il brosse un tableau nuancé et dynamique. Voici un document de référence pour qui veut avoir une vue...
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Isabel dos Santos, reine du pétrole d’Angola

Libération, 04.06.2016
Mégane De Amorim, periodista brasileña (U. Católica Río de Janeiro-Sciences Po)
  • La fille du président angolais a pris la tête de la compagnie pétrolière publique Sonangol
Isabel dos Santos est la femme la plus riche d’Afrique. Déjà à la tête d’une fortune de plusieurs milliards de dollars, la fille du président angolais a été désignée jeudi...
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Mozambique’s Invisible Civil War

Foreign Policy, 06.05.2016
Tom Bowker, Simon Kamm y Aurelio Sambo
  • The government says everything’s fine. But that’s not what we heard from its victims.
1 On April 28, local and Portuguese news outlets reported the discovery of a mass grave in central Mozambique containing some 120 bodies. A hasty inspection by local...
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How the World’s Hardest-Working Dictator Won Re-election

Foreign Policy, 05.05.2016
Siobhán O'Grady, periodista norteamericana
1 In 1979, Francisco Macías Nguema was enjoying his 11th year in power as president for life in Equatorial Guinea — a tiny, former Spanish colony in central Africa. All in all, things had been going well for the merciless dictator, who...
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Authoritarianism in Eritrea and the Migrant Crisis

CFR Backgorunder, 11.11.2015
Zachary Laub, escritor y editor

Authoritarianism in Eritrea and the Migrant Crisis

Tens of thousands of Eritreans have arrived at Europe's shores in recent years seeking asylum. They make up a significant share of the unprecedented stream of migrants and refugees making their way to the European Union, undertaking dangerous journeys while challenging the...
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The Obama Doctrine

The Atlantic, abril 2016
Jeffrey Goldberg
  • The U.S. president talks through his hardest decisions about America’s role in the world.
Friday, August 30, 2013, the day the feckless Barack Obama brought to a premature end America’s reign as the world’s sole indispensable superpower—or, alternatively, the day the sagacious Barack Obama peered into the Middle Eastern abyss and stepped back...
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Liberal, Harsh Denmark

New York Review of Books, Vol.63 (4) 10.03.2016
Hugh Eakin
[caption id="attachment_22913" align="alignnone" width="1600"]A cartoon published by the Danish newspaper Politiken showing Inger Støjberg, the country’s integration minister, lighting candles on a Christmas tree that has a dead asylum-­seeker as an ornament, December 2015 (Anne-Marie Steen Petersen) A cartoon published...
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Viaje al origen de la guerra

El País, 07.02.2016
Guillermo Altares
  • Nuevos hallazgos indican que los conflictos bélicos son anteriores a las sociedades organizadas
La guerra forma parte de la cultura de la humanidad. Las sociedades veneran a sus guerreros, les dedican monumentos y nombres de calles (una nomenclatura no siempre libre de polémica, como se puede comprobar en Madrid). Los textos literarios más...
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Rwanda and Paul Kagame’s lust for power

The Guardian, 03.01.2016
  • The president and his ilk are damaging Africa by hanging on to power
One of the least surprising New Year’s announcements was that by Paul Kagame, president of Rwanda, who declared he had decided to seek a third term in 2017. In a televised address notable for its condescension and wholly misplaced sense of noblesse oblige, Kagame suggested...
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The Eastern Congo

Resumen ejecutivo CFR "InfoGuide" Presentation, 13.12.2015
  • The eastern Congo has been ravaged by foreign invasions and homegrown rebellions that have killed and displaced millions.
  • A fragile peace process seeks to bring stability to central Africa, but its hard-won gains remain at risk.
For nearly two decades, the eastern provinces of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) have...
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