Archivos de Categoría: Alianzas

‘The Peshmerga Isn’t Afraid of ISIS’

Reportaje (fotos y crónica)
Foreign Policy, abril 2016
Cengiz Yar, fotógrafo documentalista y periodista independiente
  • Fighting on the front lines, Kurdish Peshmerga soldiers have joined the Iraqi Army in a bloody battle against the Islamic State. But sharing a common enemy doesn’t make them easy allies.
Nonstop small-arms fire rattled across the grassy plains in this corner of northern...
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History as Propaganda: Why the USSR Did Not ‘Win’ World War II (Part I)

Strategic Culture, 19.03.2016
Michael Jabara Carley, historiador, profesor (U. de Montreal) y escritor canadiense
1 Over time, it is possible to completely rewrite history and interchange the roles of the actors. Professor Michael Jabara Carley examines here the example of the Second World War. This important event, extensively studied by...
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The Obama Doctrine

The Atlantic, abril 2016
Jeffrey Goldberg
  • The U.S. president talks through his hardest decisions about America’s role in the world.
Friday, August 30, 2013, the day the feckless Barack Obama brought to a premature end America’s reign as the world’s sole indispensable superpower—or, alternatively, the day the sagacious Barack Obama peered into the Middle Eastern abyss and stepped back...
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The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)

CFR Backgrounder, 17.02.2016
Jonathan Masters, segundo editor


The North Atlantic Treaty Organization, a Cold War cornerstone of transatlantic security, has significantly recast its role in the past twenty years. Founded in 1949 as a bulwark against Soviet aggression, NATO has evolved to confront threats ranging from piracy off the Horn of Africa to human trafficking in the...
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Aniversario de la Batalla de Yungay

La Tercera, 20.01.2016
Gonzalo Serrano del Pozo, profesor Facultad de Artes Liberales (U. Adolfo Ibáñez)
El 20 de enero de 1839, el Ejército chileno al mando del general Manuel Bulnes, derrotó a la fuerza confederada que lideraba el mariscal Andrés de Santa Cruz. Este hito parece olvidado a raíz de la Guerra del Pacífico, conflicto que hasta...
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Ideologías políticas: De la Concertación a la Nueva Mayoría

El Líbero, 29.07.2015
José Joaquín Brunner, sociólogo, ex ministro y miembro de Foro Líbero
Hay importantes diferencias entre la Nueva Mayoría (MN) y la Concertación, de fondo y forma. Exploraremnos algunas con el propósito de entender las dificultades que atravies la NM y su posible evolución.


La Concertación fue una coalición política con una ideología que...
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Towards a Rational U.S. Strategy (Part II)

Consortiumnews, 01.07.2015
William R. Polk, consultor en política exterior y profesor de Harvard
The ultimate madness of today’s U.S. foreign policy is Official Washington’s eager embrace of a new Cold War against Russia with the potential for nuclear annihilation. A rational strategy would seek alternatives to this return to big-power confrontation. In Part One, I dealt at length with America’s relationship with...
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