Archivos de Categoría: China

‘Gallito’ entre China y Estados Unidos

El Mercurio, 02.11.2015
La proyección de EE.UU. al Asia Pacífico, y su intención de marcar presencia en esa región, causa tensiones con China, que advirtió del peligro de crear un conflicto entre ambos. Su política de "giro al Asia" y el Acuerdo Transpacífico de Cooperación Económica (TPP) alarman a Beijing, que no quiere a Washington demasiado...
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After Two Centuries, China and the U.K. Switch Roles

Geopolitical Diary, 21.10.2015
Tuesday saw the start of Chinese President Xi Jinping's four-day visit to the United Kingdom. Xi and his wife were greeted at London's Mandarin Hotel by British heir Prince Charles and his wife, Lady Camilla, before meeting Queen Elizabeth II and the Duke of Edinburgh and receiving a royal salute from the 1st...
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A Pivotal U.S.-Korea Summit?

Council on Foreign Relations, 13.10.2015
Scott Snyder, miembro senior de Koreas Studies y director del programa US-Korea Policy
Restricting a Nuclear North Korea North Korea's persistent, belligerent rhetoric and unchecked efforts to develop nuclear and missile capabilities will top the Obama-Park summit's agenda. The immediate challenge is how to disrupt a pattern of North Korean long-range missile and...
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China’s Crisis: The Price of Change

Geopolitical Weekly, 18.08.2015
Rodger Baker
Last week was an eventful one for China. First, the People's Bank of China shocked the financial world when it cut the yuan's reference rate against the U.S. dollar by nearly 2 percent, leading to a greater than 2 percent drop in the value of the yuan in offshore trading. The decline triggered a...
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Forecasting Japan (IV): 25 Years Later

Stratfor Global Intelligence, 01.10.2015
Since the end of the Cold War, the Pacific Rim has seen China rise and Japan stagnate. However, Japan is approaching an epochal shift that will enable it to challenge the current order
In the coming years, Japan will transition out of its slow-burning state of crisis as it seeks to make a radical break...
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Forecasting Japan (III): The Failure of Reform

Stratfor Global Intelligence, 30.09.2015
Since the end of the Cold War, the Pacific Rim has seen China rise and Japan stagnate. However, Japan is approaching an epochal shift that will enable it to challenge the current order
As the strategic situation in the Pacific changes, Japan will be forced to adapt. Tokyo will need to pull the...
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Forecasting Japan (II): China Rises

Stratfor Global Intelligence, 29.09.2015
Since the end of the Cold War, the Pacific Rim has seen China rise and Japan stagnate. However, Japan is approaching an epochal shift that will enable it to challenge the current order. This analysis is the second in a four-part a series that forecasts the nature of that shift and the...
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India en el siglo de Asia

Economía Exterior,  Nº 73 (Verano 2015)
Fernando Delage
El gobierno de Modi muestra una gran determinación con respecto a sus principales objetivos exteriores: maximizar los intercambios comerciales, financieros y tecnológicos con los Estados de su periferia; consolidar la nueva asociación con EE UU y reequilibrar la relación con China
La realización del siglo de Asia –señaló el primer...
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The Cautionary Tale of China’s Lin Biao

Stratfor Global Intelligence, 13.09.2015
Thomas Vien
"The revolution is like Saturn, she devours her own children," says doomed French revolutionary Georges Danton in Georg Buchner's 1835 play Danton's Death. The Chinese revolution — and its aftershocks throughout the period of Mao Zedong's rule — was no exception. On Sept. 13, 1971, a Chinese Trident 1E airliner crashed in...
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