Informe especial Consortiumnews, 04.09.2015 William R. Polk, historiador, escritor y ex profesor sobre el Medio Oriente en HarvardAmerican politicians know little about history, so they lash out at people from formerly colonized Third World nations without understanding the scars that the West’s repression and brutality have left on these societies, especially in the Muslim worldOne result of...
Diplomacy and the South China Sea
Opinión The Diplomat, 17.08.2015 Scott Devary, licenciado en RRII y Diplomacia (Seton Hall University) y MBA en ciencia política (U. de Washington)Some diplomatic innovation may be the best chance to manage disputes and forestall conflictRecent months have brought shocking photos showing new manmade islands and a gargantuan industrial effort in the South China Sea being undertaken...
Japan and Chinese Decision-Making
Artículo The Diplomat, 12.08.2015 Charles Douglas Appleton, asistente de investigación de Rebuilt Japan Initiative FoundationUnderstanding China’s decision-making process could help Japan create a better strategy.
“Our best chance of avoiding antagonism with China is to open up the black box of Chinese domestic politics, look inside, and figure out what makes China act as it...
Quantum Geopolitics
Análisis Stratfor, 28.07.2015 Reva Bhalla, experta en relaciones internacionalesForecasting the shape the world will take in several years or decades is an audacious undertaking. There are no images to observe or precise data points to anchor us. We can only create a picture, and a fuzzy one at best. This is, after all, our basic human empirical...
China’s New Islands Are Clearly Military, U.S. Pacific Chief Says
Opinión Defense One, 24.07.2015 Kevin Baron, director ejecutivoAdm. Harry Harris, head of U.S. Pacific Command, says the vastly expanded reefs now look exactly like combat bases for fighters, bombers, ships, and surveillance. The top U.S. military officer in the Pacific sternly warned China on Friday to immediately cease its “aggressive coercive island building” in the South China...
A Partnership with China to Avoid World War
Artículo The New York Review of Books, Vol.62 (12) 2015 George SorosInternational cooperation is in decline both in the political and financial spheres. The UN has failed to address any of the major conflicts since the end of the cold war; the 2009 Copenhagen Climate Change Conference left a sour aftertaste; the World Trade Organization hasn’t concluded...
China’s Global Ambitions, With Loans and Strings Attached
Reportaje The New York Times, 24.07.2015 Clifford Krauss y Keith BradsherThe country has invested billions in Ecuador and elsewhere, using its economic clout to win diplomatic allies and secure natural resources around the world.Where the Andean foothills dip into the Amazon jungle, nearly 1,000 Chinese engineers and workers have been pouring concrete for a dam and a...
The Risks and Rewards of SCO Expansion
Análisis Council on Foreign Relations, 08.07.2015 William PiekosOn July 9–10, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) will hold its fifteenth summit in Ufa, Russia. At this meeting, the regional grouping—composed of China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan—will start the process of expansion for the first time with the inclusion of India and Pakistan. An expanded membership will...
Towards a Rational U.S. Strategy (Part II)
Artículo Consortiumnews, 01.07.2015 William R. Polk, consultor en política exterior y profesor de HarvardThe ultimate madness of today’s U.S. foreign policy is Official Washington’s eager embrace of a new Cold War against Russia with the potential for nuclear annihilation. A rational strategy would seek alternatives to this return to big-power confrontation. In Part One, I dealt at length with America’s relationship with...
Russia’s Role in Iran: Another Dimension of the Pivot to the East
Artículo European Energy Review, 24.06.2015 Irina MironovaRussia is experiencing series of problems in its relations with the West; political contradictions, economic troubles exacerbated by the sanctions; diminishing demand for Russia’s energy recourse supplies in traditional markets are among reasons which justified Russia’s ‘pivot to Asia’. In this context, we are often discussing the role of growing economies...