Archivos de Categoría: Ciberseguridad

Putin Can Learn from Gorbachev on How to Gain from Future U.S. Talks

The Hill, 22.03.2018 
William H. Courtney, académico de la RAND Corporation y embajador (r) norteamericano
Vladimir Putin has won a flawed election to a fourth term as Russia's president, and Donald Trump has suggested the two will likely meet soon. For the Kremlin leader, however, a summit may draw shortcomings into sharper relief. While in the 2000s, high...
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¿Putin, es fuerte o débil?

El País, 23.07.2017
Monika Zgustova, novelista checo-norteamericana doctorada en Literatura Comparada (U. de Illinois)
[caption id="attachment_19377" align="alignleft" width="401"] Un hombre coloca una careta de Putin maquillado durante el Festival de Gays y Lesbianas en Berlín. FELIPE TRUEBA EFE[/caption]

A principios de agosto del año pasado,...

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‘Putin no tiene un plan para hacer Rusia grandiosa de nuevo’

Entrevista [Steven Lee Myers, ex corresponsal de The New York Times en Moscú]
La Tercera, 24.06.2017
Cristina Cifuentes
  • Steven Lee Myers, autor de El Nuevo Zar, dice a La Tercera que el objetivo del Presidente es recuperar el lugar de Rusia y su esfera de influencia. A su juicio, la intervención en las elecciones de EE.UU. se...
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North Korea (5): The Cost of Intervention

Stratfor Global Intelligence, 27.05.2016


What North Korea lacks in sophistication it makes up for in guile. Its answer to any attack would go beyond conventional means to include its experienced commando force, cyberwarfare capability and submarine force, at the very least. Though North Korea has chemical weapons,...
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China’s Military Strategy

Voltaire Network, 26.05.2015
Preface The world today is undergoing unprecedented changes, and China is at a critical stage of reform and development. In their endeavor to realize the Chinese Dream of great national rejuvenation, the Chinese people aspire to join hands with the rest of the world to maintain peace, pursue development and share prosperity. China’s destiny is...
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Lethal Autonomous Systems and the Plight of the Non-combatant

Georgia Institute of Technology
Ronald Arkin
It seems a safe assumption, unfortunately, that humanity will persist in conducting warfare, as evidenced over all recorded history. New technology has historically made killing more efficient, for example with the invention of the longbow, artillery, armored vehicles, aircraft carriers, or nuclear weapons. Many view that each of these new technologies...
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El comité interministerial de ciberseguridad: atrincherados en lo interno, ignorando lo externo

El Provincial, 04.05.2015
Sebastián Koch, investigador del Centro de Estudios Estratégicos
El 20 de abril del presente año, el Gobierno creó un comité interministerial para la creación de una “política de seguridad en internet” (El Mercurio, 20 de abril de 2015). En palabras del Subsecretario de Defensa, Marcos Robledo, El Comité Interministerial de Ciberseguridad (CIC) buscará sentar...
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Over Half of World Piracy Attacks Now in ASEAN

Politico Magazine, 25.04.2015
Prashanth Parameswaran
A new report has some troubling numbers for the region on this score. Southeast Asia accounts for over half of the world’s piracy and armed robbery incidents in 2015, according to a report released by the International Maritime Bureau (IMB). The IMB’s figures indicate that Southeast Asia accounted for 55 percent of the world’s...
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