Archivos de Categoría: EEUU

Woodrow Wilson Was Not a Racist (in Foreign Policy)

Foreign Policy, 03.12.2015
David Milne
  • America’s 28th president reversed racial progress at home
  • But internationally he was ahead of his time
[caption id="attachment_18232" align="alignnone" width="450"][/caption] Students from Princeton University’s Black Justice League recently sparked an overdue discussion when they called for the name of the 28th president of the United...
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A Path Out of the Middle East Collapse

The Wall Street Journal, 17.10.2015
Henry A. Kissinger, ex consejero nacional de seguridad y ex secretario de estado
The debate about whether the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action with Iran regarding its nuclear program stabilized the Middle East’s strategic framework had barely begun when the region’s geopolitical framework collapsed. Russia’s unilateral military action in Syria is the...
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The New Latin America

Geopolitical Weekly, 03.11.2015
Reggie Thompson, MBA en RRII (U. de Texas A&M)
Several years into a Chinese economic slowdown, the Latin American economies that relied on China to buy up their key exports are feeling the pain. With less hard currency coming in, governments across the region are rapidly readjusting their spending plans and preparing to govern...
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‘Gallito’ entre China y Estados Unidos

El Mercurio, 02.11.2015
La proyección de EE.UU. al Asia Pacífico, y su intención de marcar presencia en esa región, causa tensiones con China, que advirtió del peligro de crear un conflicto entre ambos. Su política de "giro al Asia" y el Acuerdo Transpacífico de Cooperación Económica (TPP) alarman a Beijing, que no quiere a Washington demasiado...
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Five Options for the U.S. in Syria

Rand Corporation, 21.10.2015
Brian Michael Jenkins, consejero del presidente de la RAND Corporation
  • Syrian President al-Assad made a surprise visit to Moscow on October 20, 2015, to thank Russian President Putin for launching air strikes against Islamist militants in Syria
With the debate in Washington about the success or failure of American strategy in Syria and Iraq continuing...
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¿Es este el documento que motivó el acercamiento entre EEUU e Irán?

El Confidencial, 22.10,2015
Daniel Iriarte
  • Wikileaks publica correos privados del director de la CIA John Brennan, entre ellos una recomendación de 2008 de tender puentes con Teherán.
  • Obama parece haberla seguido al pie de la letra
“Recomendamos bajar el tono de la retórica, y establecer un diálogo directo con Teherán”. Quien así se expresa es el director de la...
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44 horas de terror en el Achille Lauro

Blog histórico
El Comercio, 06.10.2015
Miguel García Medina
Palestina ha utilizado distintos medios para expresar al mundo su deseo de existir como Estado. El 7 de octubre de 1985 cuatro milicianos palestinos asestaron un golpe inesperado a Occidente para reclamar a Israel la liberación de 50 “prisioneros políticos”. El crucero Achille Lauro, botado en Holanda en 1946, fue el objetivo de...
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Geopolitics and the Pitfalls of Provocation

Geopolitical Weekly, 20.10.2015
Rodger Baker, MBA en historia militar de la U. de Norwich
Words matter in seeking to explain the actions of states and individuals and to divine the response that would best protect the national (or business or personal) interest. Complexities abound, and assertions based on minimal facts often must be made. Oversimplification is frequently a...
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Is Putin Really as Foolish as We Are?

Fair Observer, 15.10.2015
John Feffer, autor y co-fundador de Foreing Policy in Focus (Institute for Policy Studies)
Putin’s attempt at “shock and awe” in Syria has all the hallmarks of failed US interventions of the past.
[caption id="attachment_15358" align="alignnone" width="490"]Vladimir Putin ( Vladimir Putin ([/caption] Richard Nixon lied. Surely this is...
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