Archivos de Categoría: Fuerzas Armadas

Walk with the Devil: Evil Bargains and the Islamic State

War on the Rocks, 02.09.2015
Patrick Porter, director académico del Strategic and Security Institute (University of Exeter)
How to counter the Islamic State is an especially difficult problem for Western policymakers, but the issue of compromise, and which devil to dance with, cannot be dodged forever.
“My children,” President Franklin Roosevelt pronounced in his fatherly way...
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Diplomacy and the South China Sea

The Diplomat, 17.08.2015
Scott Devary, licenciado en RRII y Diplomacia (Seton Hall University) y MBA en ciencia política (U. de  Washington)
Some diplomatic innovation may be the best chance to manage disputes and forestall conflict
Recent months have brought shocking photos showing new manmade islands and a gargantuan industrial effort in the South China Sea being undertaken...
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“The Iranian Threat” Who Is the Gravest Danger to World Peace?

TomDispatch, 20.08.2015
Noam Chomsky, académico y profesor emeritus del Departamento de Linguística y Filosofía (MIT)
Throughout the world there is great relief and optimism about the nuclear deal reached in Vienna between Iran and the P5+1 nations, the five veto-holding members of the UN Security Council and Germany. Most of the world apparently shares the...
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Las relaciones militares Chile-Bolivia-Perú: Claves para la resolución de conflictos

Extracto de ponencia
XII Congreso Nacional de Ciencia Política (Mendoza), 12-15.08.2015
Daniela Cervantes, Renata Santander y Francisca Gallardo, cientistas políticas de la UDP
Introducción. La relación que Chile ha tenido con sus países vecinos, específicamente con Perú y Bolivia, ha sido históricamente conflictiva a partir de la Guerra del Pacífico. Una larga tradición de conflictos que no han podido...
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Pakistan’s Shocking Strategic Shift

National Interest, 05.08.2015
Sameer Lalwani, postdoctoral fellow en la RAND Corporation
Pakistan is often characterized as a belligerent, unyielding, and destabilizing force in international affairs. But despite longstanding and widespread negative perceptions, Pakistani behavior and strategic culture is changing for the better in important respects, as recently exemplified by anti-Taliban operations in the country’s North Waziristan region...
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Why the Next Fighter Will Be Manned, and the One After That

War on the Rocks, 05.08.2015
Mike Pietrucha, coronel oficial de la fuerza aerea de EEUU e instructor de guerra electrónica
Sometimes a technology is so awe-inspiring that the imagination runs away with it — often far, far away from reality. Robots are like that. A lot of big and ultimately unfulfilled promises were made in robotics early...
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How the Army Built the Habsburg Empire

Reseña de libro
The National Interest, Vol.138 (July-August 2015)
William Anthony Hay, profesor de historia y director del Instituto de Humanidades (Mississippi State University)
Richard Bassett: For God and Kaiser: The Imperial Austrian Army, 1619–1918 (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2015)


The reputation of the Austrian imperial army, unlike its Prussian counterpart, does not command much...
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Acotaciones sobre la paz del Chaco

La Razón, 29.07.2015
Ramiro Prudencio Lizón
Es menester dejar bien sentado que la guerra del Chaco no se llevó a cabo por el petróleo
En este mes en que se han cumplido 80 años de la paz del Chaco, es necesario que los bolivianos tengamos una visión más objetiva de ese tremendo suceso y nos desprendamos de mitos...
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China’s New Islands Are Clearly Military, U.S. Pacific Chief Says

Defense One, 24.07.2015
Kevin Baron, director ejecutivo
Adm. Harry Harris, head of U.S. Pacific Command, says the vastly expanded reefs now look exactly like combat bases for fighters, bombers, ships, and surveillance.
The top U.S. military officer in the Pacific sternly warned China on Friday to immediately cease its “aggressive coercive island building” in the South China...
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The U.S. Hand in the Syrian Mess

Consortiumnews, 20.07.2015
Jonathan Marshall, investigador periodístico independiente
(Part I)
Neocons and the mainstream U.S. media place all the blame for the Syrian civil war on President Bashar al-Assad and Iran, but there is another side of the story in which Syria’s olive branches to the U.S. and Israel were spurned and a reckless drive for “regime change”.
Syria’s current leader,...
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