Archivos de Categoría: Historia

Japan and Chinese Decision-Making

The Diplomat, 12.08.2015
Charles Douglas Appleton, asistente de investigación de Rebuilt Japan Initiative Foundation 
Understanding China’s decision-making process could help Japan create a better strategy.

“Our best chance of avoiding antagonism with China is to open up the black box of Chinese domestic politics, look inside, and figure out what makes China act as it...

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Debating the Morality of Hiroshima

Geopolitical Weekley, 11.08.2015
George Friedman, presidente de Stratfor Global Intelligence
Each year at this time — the anniversary of the bombing of Hiroshima — the world pauses. The pause is less to mourn the dead than to debate a moral question: whether the bombing was justified and, by extension, whether the United States unnecessarily slaughtered tens of...
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La yihad, definición y desarrollo histórico de los grupos yihadistas actuales

Revista de Historia, I (14.02.2015) y II (21.03.2015)
David García


La yihad es, sin riesgo a equivocarme, uno de los términos más presentes en nuestra vida cotidiana, tanto en los medios de comunicación como en cualquier conversación ordinaria. El Estado Islámico y los recientes atentados de París han acentuado el interés del mundo...
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Nuremberg Trials Leave Behind Potent, Flawed Legacy

Deutsche Welle, 08.08.2015
Ben Knight
The Nuremberg trials of the Nazi leadership sparked a new era of international law and cooperation. They were founded on the London Charter, a visionary statute signed by the Allies on August 8, 1945.
In the middle of a city that had officially been categorized as "90-percent dead" a few months before, 21...
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Las otras armas de destrucción masiva

Estudios de Política Exterior, 06.08.2015
Jaime Torroja
Con el paso de los siglos, el ser humano ha ido refinando cada vez más los instrumentos que emplea para eliminar a aquellos que le son odiosos. El pináculo de la industria de la muerte quizá sean aquellas armas que tienen el terrorífico nombre de Armas de Destrucción Masiva (WMD...
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Why Many Muslims Hate the West

Consortiumnews, 05.08.2015
William R. Polk, consultor en política internacional, escritor y ex profesor en Harvard
Many Americans and Westerners are baffled by the violent rage expressed by many Muslims, but the reasons for their anger are real, deriving from a “deep history” of anti-Islamic wars and colonial exploitation of the Middle East
The issue of terrorist attacks on America...
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America’s Hiroshima and Nagasaki 70 Years Later

OpenDemocracy, 06.08.2015
Tom Engelhardt (co-fundador del American Empire Project) y Christian Appy (profesor de historiaUniversity of Massachusetts)
Will an American president ever offer a formal apology? Will our country ever regret the dropping of “Little Boy” and “Fat Man,” those two bombs that burned hotter than the sun?
So many decades later, it’s hard to remember the kind...
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How the Army Built the Habsburg Empire

Reseña de libro
The National Interest, Vol.138 (July-August 2015)
William Anthony Hay, profesor de historia y director del Instituto de Humanidades (Mississippi State University)
Richard Bassett: For God and Kaiser: The Imperial Austrian Army, 1619–1918 (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2015)


The reputation of the Austrian imperial army, unlike its Prussian counterpart, does not command much...
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Hiroshima, 70 Years Later: Did Truman Make the Right Call?

The National Interest, 06.08.2015
James Holmes, profesor de estrategia (Naval War College)
Huddle up with Teddy Roosevelt, Clausewitz, and Wylie—and then you be the judge. Retrospectives on the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki conjure up Theodore Roosevelt for me. That goes double when the anniversary is a multiple of ten—as it is today, the seventieth anniversary of...
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