Archivos de Categoría: Hizbulá

El órdago de ‘Bibi’

El Confidencial, 15.09.2019
Jorge Dezcállar de Mazarredo, Embajador de España
  • Netanyahu lanza un órdago con el anuncio de que si resulta elegido anexionará el Valle del Jordán, junto a la frontera jordana desde el norte israelí a las costas Del Mar Muerto
Tras la incapacidad para formar gobierno después de las elecciones de abril pasado, Israel se ve...
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Democrats can show Trump the way to avoid war with Iran

The Hill, 26.06.2019
Bennis B. Ross, embajador (r) y académico norteamericano (Washington Institute for Near East Policy)
The old saying that “politics stops at the water’s edge” seems quaint in today’s polarized political world. Bipartisanship is hard to find anywhere, and foreign policy is no exception. President Trump has certainly deepened the divisions on national security, but he did not...
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Why the Gulf States Are So Edgy

Strategic-Culture, 15.04.2019
Alastair Crooke, ex diplomático británico y fundador de Conflicts Forum (Beirut)
A little more than a decade ago, I was asked to address a London dinner-table of about twenty Gulf ‘figures’ – a mix of Ambassadors and those with ‘ties to power’. All represented the cosmopolitan, rich élite of the Gulf. Then, towards the...
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Foreign Policy Should Not Get Lost in Israel’s Election Campaign

The Washington Institute, 02.01.2019
David Makovsky (académico-The Washington Institute) y Dennis B. Ross (académico y ex embajador
Candidates need to be asked how they will deal with thorny issues such as Russian blowback in Syria, Hezbollah missile threats, Gaza reconstruction, and Iranian nuclear resurgence
It is a truism in politics that elections are about the future, and not just about...
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Presión sobre Irán

El Mercurio, 09.11.2018
El gobierno de Estados Unidos ha sido directo y transparente al indicar las razones que tiene para reanudar todas las sanciones en contra de Irán, después de retirarse en mayo del acuerdo que firmaran en 2015 para detener el programa nuclear de los ayatolás: quiere ver colapsar la economía iraní para que el...
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Palestinos abandonados

La Opinión de Málaga, 17.09.2018
Jorge Dezcállar de Mazarredo, Embajador de España
El conflicto entre palestinos e israelíes parece haber pasado a un segundo plano ante los múltiples estallidos de violencia que arrasan el Medio Oriente desde que comenzó la Primavera Árabe con su reguero de sangre en Libia, Irak, Egipto, Yemen, y ahora Siria donde el...
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Iran Is Throwing a Tantrum but Wants a Deal

Foreign Policy, 15.08.2018
Dennis B. Ross, embajador (r), ex enviado nortemericano al Medio Oriente y consejero del Washington
Institute for Near East Policy
Despite its defiant warnings, Tehran will eventually negotiate with Donald Trump—as long as Vladimir Putin mediates
Even in its afterlife, the Iran nuclear deal continues to polarize. Those who supported the agreement proclaim loudly that Iran will...
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The Next Mideast Explosion

New York Daily News, 20.05.2018
Dennis B. Ross, embajador (r) y académico norteamericano del Washington Institute
An all-out war between Iran and Israel is approaching, and the Trump administration has no strategy for preventing it
The tinderbox that is the Middle East threatens to explode again. Consider what has happened in the last weeks: a direct military exchange...
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