Archivos de Categoría: Hizbulá

The US cannot stand alone in Middle East negotiations

Columna, 10.01.2018
Dennis B. Ross, embajador (r) y académico norteamericano (Washington Institute for Near East Policy)
Unrest in Iran has dominated news coming out of the Middle East for nearly two weeks. It is a big story, with protests spreading to nearly 80 cities
Iran looked less to be the behemoth whose reach could not be stopped in...
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Iranians Are Mad as Hell About Their Foreign Policy

Foreign Policy, 02.01.2017
Dennis B. Ross, embajador (r), ex negociador en el Medio Oriente y consejero del Washington Institute
for Near East Policy
Tehran's adventures abroad have triggered anger at home. Here's how American foreign policy can step up
Iran’s leaders are seemingly riding high in the Middle East. They have helped secure Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s regime. Hezbollah has...
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Entendiendo la ola de protestas en Irán

Infobae, 01.01.2017
Roberto García Moritán, embajador (r) y ex viceministro de RREE argentino
  • Las protestas parecen apuntar contra la Guardia Revolucionaria iraní o Pasdaran, un contrapeso a las fuerzas armadas regulares, que se han convertido en el centro del poder político...
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Cómo Obama permitió que Hezbolá se fortaleciera en Latinoamérica

PanAm Post, 24.12.2017
Miguel Angel Camacho, editor y corrector de estilo
El 11 de septiembre de 2001 cambió radicalmente la estrategia que Estados Unidos venía implementando en su lucha contra el terrorismo. El ataque contra las Torres Gemelas no solamente generó que se empezaran a tomar acciones más directas contra grupos que representaban una amenaza para la seguridad de...
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The Saudi Prince’s Dangerous War Games

Project-Syndicate, 17.11.2017
Shlomo Ben-Ami, ex ministro de RREE israelí y vicepresident del Toledo International Center for Peace
Lebanon will become the next battlefield between the Middle East's Sunni and Shia powers
Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman is working hard to consolidate power and establish his country as the Middle East’s only hegemon. But his efforts –...
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Saudi Arabia’s Desperate Gamble

Alastair Crooke, ex diplomático británico, con destacado rol en la inteligencia de su país 
y la diplomacia UE, y fundador del Conflicts Forum
Furious over defeat in Syria, Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince is gambling again, arresting rivals at home and provoking a political crisis in Lebanon, but he may lack the geopolitical...
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A last attempt of the US to hold on in the Middle East: a war with IRAN?

OpinionGlobal, 10.11.2017
Riad Fouad Saade, empresario libanés-cónsul de Chile en Beirut
For the last ten days, successive events have shaken the already chaotic political life of the Middle East amid the increase of violent verbal attacks of high Saudi officials towards Iran, backed by an outspoken US president Trump. The still mysterious resignation of Lebanon’s Prime Minister Saaduddine...
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Israeli-Saudi Tandem Adjusts to Syria Loss

Consortiumnews, 04.11.2017
Alastair Crooke, ex diplomático de la inteligencia británica y diplomacia UE y fundador de
Conflicts Forum
Facing defeat in the proxy war in Syria, the Israeli-Saudi tandem is planning a new front against Hezbollah, presaged by Lebanese Prime Minister Hariri’s sudden resignation
It seems that matters are coming to a head in the Middle East. For many states,...
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How Syria’s Victory Reshapes Mideast

Consortiumnews, 30.09.2017
Alastair Crooke, ex diplomático británico destacado en inteligencia y diplomacia europea y fundador de 
Conflicts Forum
The failure of the U.S.-Israeli-Saudi “regime change” project in Syria changes the future of the Mideast, possibly ushering in an era of greater secularism and tolerance
Plainly, Syria’s success – notwithstanding the caution of President Bashar al-Assad in saying that...
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Durmiendo con el enemigo

El Montonero, 06.10.2017
J. Eduardo Ponce Vivanco, embajador (r) y ex viceministro de RREE peruano
Perú es la base de operaciones del Hezbollah en América Latina
En un artículo reciente (21.08.2017) cité al experto en seguridad Joseph Humire, autor de un texto cuyo título lo dice todo: “Perú, en el punto de mira de Hezbollah e Irán para sus...
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