Archivos de Categoría: Asia

An appalling slur on the civilisation state that is India

Indian Punchline, 06.06.2022
M.K. Bhadrakumar, embajador (r) y columnista indio
The outrage in the Muslim world over the transgression of the red line in anti-Muslim politics in India is understandable, although the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party acted swiftly for damage control. The point is, the world has taken note that anti-Muslim politics has reached a crescendo...
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Engagement With China Was Always a Long Shot

Foreign Policy, 12.05.2022
Aaron L. Friedberg, Professor of Politics and International Affairs at Princeton University.

Beijing’s Leninist regime is fundamentally resistant to change.

As the Cold War drew to a close, the United States and the other liberal democracies opened their doors to China in the belief that, by doing so, they would cause its system...
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Central Asia Is Keeping a Nervous Eye on Russia’s War in Ukraine

World Politics Review, 26.04.2022
Jeffrey Mankoff, académico (Institute for National Strategic Studies-U.S. National Defense University)
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is upending the geopolitical calculations of states around the world. The fallout is especially complex for the post-Soviet states of Central Asia, which maintain extensive economic, political, cultural and other ties to both Russia and Ukraine. While...
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Sri Lankan situation is fraught with danger

Indian Punchline, 15.05.2022
M.K. Bhadrakumar, embajador (r), profesor y columnista indio
India finds itself between the rock and a hard place in its approach to the Sri Lankan crisis. There is no question that the government attributes primacy to Sri Lanka remaining a practising democracy. But the developing situation in that country is going to be...
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Notas sobre la expansión territorial de Rusia

POLIS: Política y Cultura, 18.01.2022
Fernando Mires, historiador y profesor (U. de Oldenburgo)
Para nadie es un misterio que Rusia, gracias al comando de Putin, se encuentra en intenso proceso de expansión territorial. No está claro si el objetivo será la reconstrucción de un imperio euroasiático como pronosticó en 1997 Zbigniew Brzeziński, o si ese imperio...
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US plays QUAD card during Beijing Olympics

Indian Punchline, 05.02.2022
M.K. Bhadrakumar, embajador (r) y columnista indio
The appalling decision by the External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar to huddle together with his QUAD colleagues bang in the middle of the Beijing Winter Olympics may have unpleasant consequences. China sees QUAD as a US-led clique working to “contain” it. An action-reaction syndrome has once again...
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Putin Has Turned Russia Into Autocracy’s Defender of Last Resort

World Politics Review, 13.01.2022
Frida Ghitis, world affairs reporter
There’s much that remains unknown about the violent turmoil that has engulfed Kazakhstan in recent days. But one clear fact has emerged from the mayhem: Vladimir Putin’s political doctrine has a new, now openly displayed centerpiece. On Monday, as the Russian president declared Kazakhstan’s crisis essentially resolved following...
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Reflections on Events in Afghanistan-31

Indian Punchline, 02.11.2021
M.K. Bhadrakumar, embajador (r) y columnista indio
India plays Russian card
The chances were slim that the Pakistani National Security Advisor Moeed Yusuf would accept the invitation from his counterpart Ajit Doval to a regional meet of security tsars in New Delhi to discus the situation in Taliban-ruled Afghanistan. Nonetheless, the dismissive manner in...
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