Archivos de Categoría: EEUU

The Geopolitics of the Palestinians

Stratfor Global Intelligence, 15.05.2011
Analysis Dealing with the geopolitics of a nation without a clearly defined geography is difficult. The within which Palestinians currently live is not the area they claim as their own, nor are their current boundaries recognized as legitimate by others. The Palestinians do not have a state that fully controls the territory in...
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South China Sea (II): After the Ruling

The Diplomat, 17.06.2016
Capitán Tuan N. Pham, oficial de marina norteamericano
  • The long-awaited Tribunal’s merits ruling will come soon. What happens then?
In Part 1, I examined Chinese legal opinions regarding the Philippines-initiated arbitration case against China’s expansive nine-dash line (NDL) claim in the South China Sea (SCS). In short, the intent of Beijing’s legal position paper on the...
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J.J. Torres: nación y antinación en las FFAA

Página Siete, 07.06.2016
Andrés Soliz Rada, ex ministro boliviano de Hidrocarburos
Al rememorarse el 40 aniversario del asesinato del ex presidente Juan José Torres, ocurrido en Buenos Aires el 2 de junio de 1976, dentro del Plan Cóndor, que coordinó genocidios y torturas en el Cono Sur, se advierte que el intento de encasillar al Ejército como...
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La politique étrangère européenne: quel bilan?

La Revue Geopolitique, 02.06.2016
Maxime Lefebvre, diplomático francés y profesor (Sciences Po)
  • Voici un bilan inédit de l’action de l’Union européenne en matière de politique étrangère. A la fois ample et précis, Maxime Lefebvre sait distinguer l’essentiel de l’accessoire. Il brosse un tableau nuancé et dynamique. Voici un document de référence pour qui veut avoir une vue...
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The Beginning of the End of the British Empire

Stratfor Global Intelligence, 14.02.2016


On Jan. 31, 1942, Allied engineers blew a hole in the causeway linking the island city of Singapore to the Malay Peninsula, hoping to slow the advancement of the Japanese Imperial troops down the coastline. The blast resounded throughout the city. As the story goes, 19-year-old university student and future prime minister of...
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North Korea (4): How North Korea Would Retaliate

Stratfor Global Intelligence, 26.05.2016


North Korea is powerless to prevent a U.S. strike on its nuclear program, but retaliation is well within its means. The significant military capability that North Korea has built up against South Korea is not advanced by Western standards, but there are practical...
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North Korea (5): The Cost of Intervention

Stratfor Global Intelligence, 27.05.2016


What North Korea lacks in sophistication it makes up for in guile. Its answer to any attack would go beyond conventional means to include its experienced commando force, cyberwarfare capability and submarine force, at the very least. Though North Korea has chemical weapons,...
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Trump, Putin y el atractivo del hombre fuerte

El Deber, 22.05.2016
Gideon Rachman, periodista y analista internacional del Financial Times
El auge de Donald Trump ha estado acompañado de murmullos predecibles de ‘solo en EEUU’. Pero el fenómeno Trump se entiende mejor como parte de una tendencia mundial: el retorno del ‘hombre fuerte’ a la política internacional. En lugar de encabezar el proceso, EEUU ha...
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North Korea (1): Assessing the North Korean Hazard

Stratfor Global Intelligence, 23.05.2016


Few countries intrigue and perplex like the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. Isolated by choice from the ebbs and flows of the international system, North Korea is an island of its own making. It is often painted as a weak, fearsome lunatic with delusions...
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