Archivos de Categoría: Guerra Civil

ÉpocaRadical: La formación del Frente Popular en Chile, 1935-1938

El Demócrata, 06.10.2015
Alejandro San Francisco, historiador (Oxford), profesor (PUC) e investigador (CEUSS)
La política chilena tenía características que la enmarcaban, ciertamente con sus peculiaridades, con la política mundial de la década de 1930. Los partidos, las ideologías, las divisiones y problemas europeos de una u otra manera aparecían representadas en Chile. El impacto de la Guerra...
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A Gun Smuggler’s Lamment

Foreign Policy, 05.10.2015
Elizabeth Dickinson, periodista con estudios africanos de la U. de Yale
Perched in a seaside villa in eastern Tunisia, Osama Kubbar had anxiously waited for days for the final news about his guns. It was May 2011, five months into the Arab Spring, and Kubbar, a Libyan smuggler, was remotely tracking the slow movements...
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Bosnia and Herzegovina: Twenty Years on From Dayton

OpenDemocracy, 05.10.2015
Mirela Zarichinova, periodista independiente y asesora legal en DDHH en Bulgarian Helsinki
Bosnia and Herzegovina is a paralysed state. Can a way out be found by leaving behind the Dayton Peace Accord?
The conference centre, now named “Richard Holbrooke”, seems deserted. We walk along its empty hallways but see no sign of human existence. The only...
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Countering a Shapeless Terrorist Threat

Security Weekly, 10.09.2015
Scott Stewart
Last week's Security Weekly discussed how the digital revolution has allowed terrorist operatives employing leaderless resistance methods to act as their own media. For groups such as al Qaeda and the Islamic State, this ability greatly enhances the effectiveness of propaganda. At the same time, however, the information disseminated benefits authorities by providing valuable...
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The Crisis of our Crises

Project-Syndicate, 07.09.2015
Jeremy Adelman, director del Global History Lab en la U. de Princeton
At first glance, today’s major international crises seem to have little in common. Some, such as Greece’s debt drama, are economic disasters; others, like Syria’s implosion, are characterized by brutality and political chaos; and still others, most notably Ukraine’s predicament, fall somewhere in...
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Crisis de refugiados sirios

La Tercera, 28.08.2015
Fernando Orrego Vicuña
¿Cómo no compadecerse al ver a los miles de refugiados de Siria e Irak en Grecia, Macedonia y otros lugares de Europa?¿Y los centenares de ahogados en el Mediterráneo? ¿Y los 300 mil muertos en la guerra civil en Siria?¿Y los más de tres millones de refugiados en Jordania, Turquía o...
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The Geopolitics of the Syrian Civil War

Geopolitical Weekly, 24.01.2014
Reva Bhalla, analista de seguridad con MBA (Georgetown University)
International diplomats will gather Jan. 22 in the Swiss town of Montreux to hammer out a settlement designed to end Syria's three-year civil war. The conference, however, will be far removed from the reality on the Syrian battleground. Only days before the conference was scheduled...
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The U.S. Hand in the Syrian Mess

Consortiumnews, 20.07.2015
Jonathan Marshall, investigador periodístico independiente
(Part I)
Neocons and the mainstream U.S. media place all the blame for the Syrian civil war on President Bashar al-Assad and Iran, but there is another side of the story in which Syria’s olive branches to the U.S. and Israel were spurned and a reckless drive for “regime change”.
Syria’s current leader,...
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La geopolítica de tres ‘zonas calientes’ en el mundo

Juan Salazar Sparks[1]
Cualquier análisis sobre la actual situación internacional debería reconocer que hay tres grandes "zonas calientes" en el mundo, donde los intereses en juego están desembocando en peligrosos conflictos armados: Ucrania, el Mar de China meridional, y el Medio Oriente.
En los primeros dos casos arriba mencionados, advertimos que se trata de pugnas...
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