Archivos de Categoría: Israel

Israelis and Palestinians are Living in Different Worlds

+972 Magazine, 19.10.2015
Michael Schaeffer Omer-Man, editor en jefe
  • There is something about the way that Israelis and Palestinians are discussing the violent events of recent weeks that suggests a new, particularly worrying dissonance between the two societies.
The Israeli-Palestinian conflict has always included a full-fledged war of narratives. From biblical and historical land claims, to the creation...
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How Israel Hid Its Secret Nuclear Weapons Program

Politico Magazine, 15.04.2015
Avner Cohen y William Burr
For decades, the world has known that the massive Israeli facility near Dimona, in the Negev Desert, was the key to its secret nuclear project. Yet, for decades, the world—and Israel—knew that Israel had once misleadingly referred to it as a “textile factory.” Until now, though, we’ve never known...
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Abbas’ Peace Project Has Hit a Dead End (I)

+972 Magazine, 30.09.2015
Menachem Klein, profesor de ciencias políticas en Universidad Bar Ilan
He chose the path of moderation. He agreed to a small Palestinian state alongside Israel. He won the support of America and Europe. He proved his obligation to maintaining security for Israelis. And he got nothing in return. The tragedy of Mahmoud Abbas, part...
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The Role of the UN General Assembly

Council on Foreign Relations, 08.09.2015
Introduction Since its inception seventy years ago, the United Nations General Assembly has been a forum for lofty declarations, sometimes audacious rhetoric, and rigorous debate over the world's most vexing issues, from poverty and development to peace and security. As the deliberative and representative organ of the United Nations, the assembly holds...
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“The Iranian Threat” Who Is the Gravest Danger to World Peace?

TomDispatch, 20.08.2015
Noam Chomsky, académico y profesor emeritus del Departamento de Linguística y Filosofía (MIT)
Throughout the world there is great relief and optimism about the nuclear deal reached in Vienna between Iran and the P5+1 nations, the five veto-holding members of the UN Security Council and Germany. Most of the world apparently shares the...
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One Year After the War: Gaza’s Lost Hopes

OpenDemocracy, 20.08.2015
Yasmeen Al-Khoudary, estudiante de magister en Cultural Heritage Studies (University College London)
A letter from Gaza, describing the impossibility of getting back to 'normal' one year after the war. Real change is needed before it is too late.
One year after we went through the third war on the Gaza Strip in six years, I find...
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The U.S. Hand in the Syrian Mess

Consortiumnews, 20.07.2015
Jonathan Marshall, investigador periodístico independiente
(Part I)
Neocons and the mainstream U.S. media place all the blame for the Syrian civil war on President Bashar al-Assad and Iran, but there is another side of the story in which Syria’s olive branches to the U.S. and Israel were spurned and a reckless drive for “regime change”.
Syria’s current leader,...
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