Archivos de Categoría: Israel

A Net Assessment on the Middle East

Geopolitical Weekly, 09.06.2015
George Friedman, fundador y presidente Stratfor Global Intelligence
The term "Middle East" has become enormously elastic. The name originated with the British Foreign Office in the 19th century. The British divided the region into the Near East, the area closest to the United Kingdom and most of North Africa; the Far East, which was...
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Why Israel Should Not Exist: An Illegitimate consequence of Western Imperialism

Counterpunch, 19.05.2015
Garry Leech, periodista, escritor y profesor en la Cape Breton University de Canadá
By suggesting that the state of Israel should not exist, I am not being anti-Semitic. I am, however, being anti-Zionist. There is a distinct difference. An anti-Semite is someone who is prejudiced against Jews. An anti-Zionist, on the other hand, is opposed...
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Islamophobia: Israel’s Blessing; Israel’s Curse

Counterpunch, 8-10.05.2015
Andrew Levine, académico del Institute for Policy Studies
Islamophobia and anti-Semitism have a great deal in common. Except that one targets Jews and the other Muslims, the two seem almost the same, even allowing for differences in the affected populations. To produce an Islamophobic diatribe, take a typical anti-Semitic rant, substitute “Muslim” for “Jew,” and voilà. Both Islamophobia...
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Did Money Seal Israeli-Saudi Alliance?

Consortiumnews, 15.04.2015
Robert Parry, periodista norteamericano
The odd-couple relationship between Saudi Arabia and Israel may have been sealed with more than a mutual desire to kiss-off Iran. According to an intelligence source, there was a dowry involved, too, with the Saudis reportedly giving Israel some $16 billion. For more than half a century, Saudi Arabia has tried...
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Israel after the Elections

OpinionGlobal, 21.03.2015
Riad Saade, empresario y consul honorario de Chile en Beirut
Those interested in Middle East Affairs, have followed for the past months the passionate elections of Israeli Knesset (Parliament) Israel has always been isolated in the Arab Middle East. Peace treaties with Egypt...
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Netanyahu no es creible

El País, 21.03.2015
El primer ministro israelí no ha perdido un minuto para desdecirse de su aparentemente rotundo no preelectoral a la idea de un Estado palestino. La aceptación ahora de esa posibilidad, que él apoyó por vez primera en 2009, no la hace más verosímil que el martes pasado. Netanyahu, consumado estratega, sabe simplemente que...
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