Archivos de Categoría: Arabia Saudita

Filtración: ‘estrategia occidental’ en Siria

Proche&, N*166 (19.02.2018)
Richard Labévière, editor
Dans un anglais quelque peu familier mais précis, Benjamin Norman – diplomate en charge du dossier Proche et Moyen Orient à l’ambassade de Grande Bretagne à Washington – rend compte dans un Télégramme diplomatique confidentiel (TD) du 12 janvier 2018 de la première réunion du «Petit groupe américain sur la Syrie» (Etats-Unis,...
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Los planes de Trump para Siria

OpinionGlobal, 20.01.2018
Riad Fouad Saade, empresario libanés y cónsul honorario de Chile en Beirut
While commemorating the first year of President Trump’s mandate and listening to various comments about his very unconventional policies, at home and worldwide, the Middle East has got its share, a harsh and bloody one. If a pseudo consensus between the USA and Iran...
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Dos patatas calientes

La Opinión de Málaga, 08.01.2018
Jorge Dezcállar de Mazarredo, Embajador de España
Si hay dos lugares en el mundo donde hoy puede estallar un conflicto abierto son Corea del Norte e Irán y en ambos ha comenzado el año con novedades interesantes
El caso de Corea es el más grave porque estamos hablando de un arsenal nuclear en manos...
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The Year Non-Western Powers Rewrote the Rules at the United Nations

World Politics Review, 19.12.2017
Richard Gowan, académico (European Council on Foreign Relations-NYU’s Center on International Cooperation) y profesor (Columbia University)
  • One year ago, the United Nations appeared to be poised between a moment of renewal and a total meltdown
[caption id="attachment_26150" align="alignleft" width="401"] Russian President Vladimir Putin and Syrian President...
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The Middle East in the New World Disorder

Information Clearing House, 14.12.2017
Chas W. Freeman, embajador (r) norteamericano, presidente de Projects International Inc y escritor
Not so long ago, Americans thought we understood the Middle East, that region where the African, Asian, and European worlds collide.  When the Ottoman Empire disintegrated in World War I, the area became a European sphere of influence with imperial British,...
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How Can the Arab World Avoid the Abyss?

Project-Syndicate, 30.11.2017
Nabil Fahmy, embajador (r), ex ministro de RREE egipcio y profesor (American University-El Cairo)
The Middle East owes many of its current problems to a long history of foreign invasions, from the Crusades and European colonialism to the proxy wars of the Cold-War era. But Arab leaders who genuinely want to create a brighter future...
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The Saudi System And Why Its Change May Fail

OpinionGlobal, 22.11.2017
Riad Fouad Saade, empresario libanes y cónsul honorario de Chile en Beirut
Have we reached the end of the reign of the House of Saud?
For several years I have been warning during my conferences at the Diplomatic Academy in Santiago, about the fall of the Saud Dynasty. Boosted by the British at the head of...
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Lebanon Independance in a shaky Middle East

OpinionGlobal, 21.11.2017
Riad Fouad Saade, empresario libanés y cónsul honorario de Chile en Beirut
At the eve of Lebanon’s Independence Day (Nov 22), it is important to note how much this small and marginal country, is at the center of all problems of the Middle East
Simply because it is different than all countries of the region, would...
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The Saudi Prince’s Dangerous War Games

Project-Syndicate, 17.11.2017
Shlomo Ben-Ami, ex ministro de RREE israelí y vicepresident del Toledo International Center for Peace
Lebanon will become the next battlefield between the Middle East's Sunni and Shia powers
Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman is working hard to consolidate power and establish his country as the Middle East’s only hegemon. But his efforts –...
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Saudi Arabia’s Desperate Gamble

Alastair Crooke, ex diplomático británico, con destacado rol en la inteligencia de su país 
y la diplomacia UE, y fundador del Conflicts Forum
Furious over defeat in Syria, Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince is gambling again, arresting rivals at home and provoking a political crisis in Lebanon, but he may lack the geopolitical...
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