Archivos de Categoría: Geopolítica

A Net Assessment of East Asia

Geopolitical Weekly, 16.06.2015
George Friedman, presidente Stratfor Global Intelligence
When I began this series a month ago, I pointed out that the most significant feature of the global system currently is the ongoing destabilization of the Eurasian land mass, from the Atlantic to the Pacific, from the Arctic to the Arabian Sea. One important aspect of this...
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Accounting for Inertia in Geopolitical Forecasting

Geopolitical Weekly, 02.06.2015
Rodger Baker, vicepresidente Análisis Asia Pacífico
Geopolitics, at least in the sense that we practice, is neither deterministic in its approach to understanding nations and their interactions nor simply synonymous with current events or international relations. At its most basic, geopolitics as a discipline seeks to explain the intersection between place and people, or...
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Coming to Terms with the American Empire

Geopolitical Weekly, 14.04.2015
George Friedman, founder and President Stratfor Global Intelligence
"Empire" is a dirty word. Considering the behavior of many empires, that is not unreasonable. But empire is also simply a description of a condition, many times unplanned and rarely intended. It is a condition that arises from a massive imbalance of power. Indeed, the empires...
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The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (I – 2)

Stratfor Global Intelligence
Part I, 28.04.2013
Part II, 30.10.2013
The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, Part 1: An Unconventional Military Editor's Note: In light of the April 28 boarding of a Maersk Line ship in the Strait of Hormuz by Iranian naval forces belonging to the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, Stratfor is republishing its detailed October 2012 report on the elite...
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World War II and the Origins of American Unease

Geopolitical Weekly, 12.05.2015
George Friedman, fundador y presidente de Stratfor Global Intelligence
We are at the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II in Europe. That victory did not usher in an era of universal peace. Rather, it introduced a new constellation of powers and a complex balance among them. Europe's great powers and empires...
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Vladimir Putin, 15 años entre Breznev y Stalin

El Mundo, 07.05.2015
Xavier Colás, corresponsal extranjero en Moscú
Hace 15 años era lunes y en Moscú empezaba una semana y una era. Sonaron 30 salvas de cañón desde las murallas del Kremlin. Dentro, en el Salón de San Andrés, donde estuvo el trono de los zares, se 'coronaba' a Vladimir Putin, presidente interino desde aquel mes...
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The New World Disorder

Counterpunch, 17/19.04.2015
Tariq Ali, historiador y escritor pakistaní
Three decades ago, with the end of the Cold War and the dismantling of the South American dictatorships, many hoped that the much talked about ‘peace dividend’ promised by Bush senior and Thatcher would actually materialise. No such luck. Instead, we have experienced continuous wars, upheavals, intolerance and fundamentalisms...
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Weighing the Geopolitics of the Vietnam War

Stratfor Global Intelligence, 03.05.2015
Summary South Vietnam's capital city, Saigon, fell to invading North Vietnamese troops on April 30, 1975. The image of an overloaded Huey helicopter on top of the U.S. Embassy in Saigon, frantically loading refugees, was forever seared into the American mind. It was the ignominious end of more than a decade of involvement by the...
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