Archivos de Categoría: Rusia

The U.S. Hand in the Syrian Mess

Consortiumnews, 20.07.2015
Jonathan Marshall, investigador periodístico independiente
(Part I)
Neocons and the mainstream U.S. media place all the blame for the Syrian civil war on President Bashar al-Assad and Iran, but there is another side of the story in which Syria’s olive branches to the U.S. and Israel were spurned and a reckless drive for “regime change”.
Syria’s current leader,...
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La geopolítica de tres ‘zonas calientes’ en el mundo

Juan Salazar Sparks[1]
Cualquier análisis sobre la actual situación internacional debería reconocer que hay tres grandes "zonas calientes" en el mundo, donde los intereses en juego están desembocando en peligrosos conflictos armados: Ucrania, el Mar de China meridional, y el Medio Oriente.
En los primeros dos casos arriba mencionados, advertimos que se trata de pugnas...
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A Solution for Syria

OpenDemocracy, 16.07.2015
Bassma Kodmani, director ejecutivo de Arab Reform Initiative
Syria is central to the security and future of the Middle East, but conditions for a resolution of the Syrian conflict through a political solution do not exist. An excerpt from a NOREF expert analysis. Creating the conditions for a political solution Syria is known to Arabs as the heart...
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The Risks and Rewards of SCO Expansion

Council on Foreign Relations, 08.07.2015
William Piekos
On July 9–10, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) will hold its fifteenth summit in Ufa, Russia. At this meeting, the regional grouping—composed of China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan—will start the process of expansion for the first time with the inclusion of India and Pakistan. An expanded membership will...
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Russia’s Role in Iran: Another Dimension of the Pivot to the East

European Energy Review, 24.06.2015
Irina Mironova
Russia is experiencing series of problems in its relations with the West; political contradictions, economic troubles exacerbated by the sanctions; diminishing demand for Russia’s energy recourse supplies in traditional markets are among reasons which justified Russia’s ‘pivot to Asia’. In this context, we are often discussing the role of growing economies...
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Carta de Europa: Desde la Ucrania Post-Maidán

Política Exterior, N*165 (mayo-junio 2015)
Francisco de Borja Las Heras
La guerra de las reformas es a menudo el conflicto olvidado en Ucrania. El reto es transformarse sin descomponerse en pleno conflicto bélico con Rusia y los grupos armados en el Este. Para Ucrania y su gobierno hoy “es casi más fácil tratar la guerra que las reformas”,...
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Imperial Ambitions: Russia’s Military Buildup

World Affairs, junio 2015
Stephen Blank, miembro de American Foreign Policy Council
In September 2014, Russian President Vladimir Putin boasted that he could, at will, occupy any Eastern European capital in two days. This apparently spontaneous utterance reveals, probably more than Russia’s new official defense doctrine, Moscow’s true assessment of NATO’s capabilities, cohesion, and will to resist....
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The Russian Military

CFR Backgrounder, 20.03.2015
Jonathan Masters, editor adjunto
Introduction The Russian military suffered years of neglect after the Soviet collapse and no longer casts the shadow of a global superpower. However, the Russian armed forces are in the midst of a historic overhaul with significant consequences for Eurasian politics and security. Russian officials say the reforms are necessary to...
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The New Containment: Undermining Democracy

World Affairs, mayo/junio 2015
Christopher Walker, director de estudios (Freedom House)
Nearly seven decades ago, George F. Kennan authored a seminal article that argued for a policy of containment to combat the spread of Soviet influence. Kennan’s essay came at a time when the Soviet Union, a frenemy to the West during World War II, was becoming...
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Accounting for Inertia in Geopolitical Forecasting

Geopolitical Weekly, 02.06.2015
Rodger Baker, vicepresidente Análisis Asia Pacífico
Geopolitics, at least in the sense that we practice, is neither deterministic in its approach to understanding nations and their interactions nor simply synonymous with current events or international relations. At its most basic, geopolitics as a discipline seeks to explain the intersection between place and people, or...
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