Archivos de Categoría: EEUU

Nuremberg Trials Leave Behind Potent, Flawed Legacy

Deutsche Welle, 08.08.2015
Ben Knight
The Nuremberg trials of the Nazi leadership sparked a new era of international law and cooperation. They were founded on the London Charter, a visionary statute signed by the Allies on August 8, 1945.
In the middle of a city that had officially been categorized as "90-percent dead" a few months before, 21...
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El peso de la ideología

El País, 07.08.2015
Carmelo Mesa-Lago, catedrático emérito en la U. de Pittsburgh
Estados Unidos se encamina hacia la próxima campaña electoral con tres grandes debates: inmigración, sanidad y cambio climático. Para avanzar en estos frentes y vencer una visión cortoplacista es necesaria la educación del público
El mundo está cada vez más polarizado por divisiones ideológicas, religiosas, raciales, étnicas, etcétera....
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Hiroshima, 70 Years Later: Did Truman Make the Right Call?

The National Interest, 06.08.2015
James Holmes, profesor de estrategia (Naval War College)
Huddle up with Teddy Roosevelt, Clausewitz, and Wylie—and then you be the judge. Retrospectives on the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki conjure up Theodore Roosevelt for me. That goes double when the anniversary is a multiple of ten—as it is today, the seventieth anniversary of...
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America’s Hiroshima and Nagasaki 70 Years Later

OpenDemocracy, 06.08.2015
Tom Engelhardt (co-fundador del American Empire Project) y Christian Appy (profesor de historiaUniversity of Massachusetts)
Will an American president ever offer a formal apology? Will our country ever regret the dropping of “Little Boy” and “Fat Man,” those two bombs that burned hotter than the sun?
So many decades later, it’s hard to remember the kind...
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Why Trump Is Good for the GOP

Politico Magazine, 02.08.2015
Paul Goldman (ex presidente del Partido Democrata de Virginia) y Mark J. Rozell (decano de     George Mason University)
Republicans should be thanking the billionaire for sending them a most necessary message.
Donald Trump is giving the GOP a tax-free gift, paid for entirely with his own personal funds. His pro-free market...
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Turkey in Danger

Voltaire Network, 30.07.2015
Thierry Meyssan, intelectual especializado en Relaciones Internacionales y fundador de Voltaire Network
While the Western Press salutes the authorisation given by Turkey to the United States, allowing the US to use its military bases in order to fight Daesh, Thierry Meyssan looks at the nation’s internal tensions. In his view, maintaining Mr. Erdoğan in...
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Sirios, kurdos, ISIS: cuando las potencias echan lastre

Clarín, 31.07.2015
Marcelo Cantelmi
Conviene dedicar atención a las nuevas alianzas y movimientos que surgen desde el pacto con Irán y por la dimensión real que parece haber tenido ese convenio. Muchos de los instrumentos que fueron útiles antes dejan de serlo en este presente, el ISIS, los kurdos sirios y muy posiblemente el régimen de Damasco....
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Ucrania en la geopolítica rusa

El Mercurio , 03.08.2015
Siguen los enfrentamientos en Ucrania entre las fuerzas gubernamentales y los rebeldes prorrusos, mientras Estados Unidos amplió la lista de personas e instituciones rusas sancionadas por el gobierno. Washington pretende mantener la presión sobre Moscú para que retire el apoyo a los rebeldes ucranianos. Rusia usó su veto en el Consejo de Seguridad...
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Desert Storm, the Last Classic War

Council on Foreign Relations, 31.07.2015
Richard N. Haass, presidente de Council on Foreign Relations
Twenty-five years after Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait, the lessons of the Gulf War remain urgent, even in today’s chaotic Middle East
It was mid-July 1990, and for several days the U.S. intelligence community had been watching Saddam Hussein mass his forces along Iraq’s border...
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