Archivos de Categoría: China

Trump, Putin y el atractivo del hombre fuerte

El Deber, 22.05.2016
Gideon Rachman, periodista y analista internacional del Financial Times
El auge de Donald Trump ha estado acompañado de murmullos predecibles de ‘solo en EEUU’. Pero el fenómeno Trump se entiende mejor como parte de una tendencia mundial: el retorno del ‘hombre fuerte’ a la política internacional. En lugar de encabezar el proceso, EEUU ha...
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What China Owes a Bygone Era

Stratfor Global Intelligence, 19.05.2016


Since the end of the Cold War, international politics has been defined by the rise of universal human rights as norms. The leading world power, the United States, has used human rights rhetoric to pursue its global interests, citing it in plans to...
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A son of the Cultural Revolution

Project-Syndicate, 10.05.2016
Mia Jian, escritor chino
Fifty years ago this month, Mao Zedong launched China’s Cultural Revolution – a decade of chaos, persecution, and violence, carried out in the name of ideology and in the interest of expanding Mao’s personal power. Yet, instead of reflecting on that episode’s destructive legacy, the Chinese government is limiting all discussion...
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Who Is Xi?

Reseña de libros
New York Review of Books, Vol.63 (8) 12.05.2016
Andrew J. Nathan
[caption id="attachment_26866" align="alignnone" width="624"]Xi Jinping Xi Jinping[/caption] More than halfway through his five-year term as president of China and general secretary of the Chinese Communist Party—expected to be the first of at least two—Xi Jinping’s widening...
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Obama en Cuba: Pavimentando las calles de La Habana

OpinionGlobal, 01.04.2016
Enrique Subercaseaux, ex diplomático y gestor cultural
De las muchas imágenes de la reciente visita del Presidente Obama a Cuba, me quedo con el puñado de calles que fueron repavimentadas para hacerlas más transitables para la nutrida comitiva de Estados Unidos. La población celebro el hecho porque, todo hay que decirlo, la decrepitud de la...
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La confusión de Estados Unidos en un mundo desordenado

Reseña de libro [Henry A Kissinger en Orden mundial. Debate, Barcelona 2016]
Política Exterior, N*170 (marzo-abril 2016
Manuel Muñiz, director programa Relaciones Transatlánticas (U. de Harvard)
¿Cuál será la forma y el contenido del orden mundial en el siglo XXI? El recorrido de Kissinger por 2.000 años de relaciones internacionales resulta demasiado rígido a la hora de alumbrar...
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The Obama Doctrine

The Atlantic, abril 2016
Jeffrey Goldberg
  • The U.S. president talks through his hardest decisions about America’s role in the world.
Friday, August 30, 2013, the day the feckless Barack Obama brought to a premature end America’s reign as the world’s sole indispensable superpower—or, alternatively, the day the sagacious Barack Obama peered into the Middle Eastern abyss and stepped back...
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China’s Coming Ideological Wars

Foreign Policy, 01.03.2016
Taisu Zhang
In the reform era, economic growth reigned supreme. But now, a revival of competing beliefs has polarized Chinese society.
Untitled For most Chinese, the 1990s were a period of intense material pragmatism. Economic development was the paramount social and political concern, while the...
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Taiwan’s White Terror

Stratfor Global Intelligence, 28.02.2016
Thomas Vien and Evan Rees
[caption id="attachment_22427" align="alignnone" width="921"]Nationalist officials scuffle with a black market cigarette vendor — the event that sparked nationwide protests Feb. 28, 1947. (JUN LI/WIKIMEDIA) Nationalist officials scuffle with a black market cigarette vendor — the event that sparked nationwide protests Feb. 28,...
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