Archivos de Categoría: China

Taiwan’s White Terror

Stratfor Global Intelligence, 28.02.2016
Thomas Vien and Evan Rees
[caption id="attachment_22427" align="alignnone" width="921"]Nationalist officials scuffle with a black market cigarette vendor — the event that sparked nationwide protests Feb. 28, 1947. (JUN LI/WIKIMEDIA) Nationalist officials scuffle with a black market cigarette vendor — the event that sparked nationwide protests Feb. 28,...
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The China-North Korea Relationship

CFR Backgrounder, 08.02.2016
Eleanor Albert y Beina Xu
[caption id="attachment_22009" align="alignnone" width="921"]Chinese Communist Party official Liu Yunshan with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un in Pyongyang. Photo: Kyodo/Reuters Chinese Communist Party official Liu Yunshan with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un in Pyongyang. Photo: Kyodo/Reuters[/caption]


China is North Korea’s most important ally,...
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Framing China’s Future (III): Imagining a Democratic China

Stratfor Global Intelligence, 02.12.2015
Summary China's Communist Party is locked in a struggle for political legitimacy. For most of the past three decades, economic growth has buoyed the party and underwritten its promises of full employment and ever-improving material conditions for the majority of Chinese. But that growth is slowing. As the country's export- and investment-led growth model...
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Framing China’s Future (IV): The High Stakes of Having a Job in China

Stratfor Global Intelligence, 08.01.2016
Summary Understanding employment is fundamental to understanding how contemporary China works. The need to maintain near-universal employment — or at least the appearance of it — forms the bedrock of Chinese political economy. It structures the financial system, long-term industrial policy, the incentive structure for bureaucrats and everything in between. Strikingly, post-Mao Chinese policy...
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Framing China’s Fuure (V): What Kind of Power Will China Become?

Stratfor Global Intelligence, 03.02.2016
Summary These are grim times for the Chinese economy. In the two years since property markets peaked and subsequently began to slow in most cities across China, it has become abundantly clear that the approach to economic management that sustained double-digit annual growth for two decades has exhausted itself. The unprecedented stock market volatility of...
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Bienvenidos al fin de una era: el error crítico que ha cometido EEUU

El Confidencial, 26.01.2016
Marcos Díaz, experto en diplomacia, relaciones internacionales y política exterior
  • EEUU ya no tiene la capacidad de gobernar el mundo en solitario sin atender las condiciones exigidas por el resto de las potencias. Simple y llanamente, el modelo estratégico se ha derrumbado
Es innegable que Estados Unidos continúa siendo una superpotencia económica, tecnológica y militar, pero también...
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Un convulsionado mundo multipolar

El Líbero, 23.01.2016
Juan Salazar Sparks, cientista político, embajador (r) y director ejecutivo de CEPERI
Son muchos los conflictos internacionales que se arrastran y otros que se manifestarán en el curso del 2016, poniendo en riesgo la paz y seguridad internacionales. Tal vez el más complejo concierne a una aparente guerra civil islámica (suníes vs. chiíes), con...
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Los cinco mitos de la economía china, según McKinsey

La Tercera, 16.01.2016
Constanza Morales
En medio de las dudas sobre el real estado de la economía china, la consultora McKinsey publicó recientemente un artículo con los cinco mitos sobre el gigante asiático. 1. China ha estado aparentando: Un principio clave de la tesis de colapso es que el país no ha establecido las bases para una economía...
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Russia and the West (V): Central Asia, a Different Kind of Threat

Stratfor Global Intelligence, 01.01.2016
Analista principal: Eugene Chausovsky
Summary Much like the Caucasus, Central Asia serves as a relatively new but no less important staging ground for the ongoing competition between Russia and the West. Since the fall of the Soviet Union, the region has been somewhat of a melange of indecision and opportunism: Kazakhstan has stayed close...
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How China Sees Russia: Beijing and Moscow Are Close, but Not Allies

Foreign Affairs, Vol.95 (1) enero/febrero 201
Fu Ying, presidente de la Comisión de RREE del Congreso Popular del PCCH
At a time when Russian relations with the United States and western European countries are growing cold, the relatively warm ties between China and Russia have attracted renewed interest. Scholars and journalists in the West find themselves debating...
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