Archivos de Categoría: África

Inserción de Chile en el mundo: ¡Hasta el último día!

OpinionGlobal, 25.08.2017
Impresionante. Uno creería que la Presidenta (Bachelet) sólo esperaría que termine la pesada carga de llevar las riendas de la Nación lo más luego posible. Pero no. Uno creería que con los proyectos que está enviando al Congreso en los últimos meses de su mandato bastaría para que el país se enfrasque en discusiones interminables...
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Otro fracaso (olvidado) de la izquierda: África

El Líbero, 24.08.2017
Roberto Ampuero, escritor
Ayer hubo elecciones en Angola, un país que gobierna desde hace 38 años José Eduardo dos Santos, sucesor de Agostinho Neto, líderes históricos del Movimiento para la Liberación de Angola. El MPLA, fundado para liberar al país del dominio portugués y construir el socialismo, tomó en 1975 al poder y derrotó...
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Inside Israel’s Secret Program to Get Rid of African Refugees

Foreign Policy, 27.06.2017
Andrew Green, periodista independiente
  • They were promised asylum somewhere closer to home. Then they were discarded — often in a war zone
The man picked Afie Semene and the 11 other Eritreans on the flight from Tel Aviv out of the stream of disembarking passengers as if he already had their faces memorized. He...
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Political History of Uganda – Kingdoms and Wars that helped shape Ugandan History

Keen History, 22.02.2017
Kim Scholtz
[caption id="attachment_46975" align="alignnone" width="384"] Kabaka Palace in Kampala[/caption] From the very start, much of Africa was inaccurately mapped out by European invaders. They proceeded to trade and negotiate tracts of land they had marked out for themselves, with no regard for the numerous chiefdoms and kingdoms...
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History of South Africa – Apartheid

Keen History, 22.02.2017
Syed Waqas Ali

1948 – 1994 AD

[caption id="attachment_46981" align="alignnone" width="378"] African National Party[/caption] Large scale urbanization and economic growth during the Second World War fueled fears within the white Afrikaner population that the country’s existing racial barriers would collapse. This reinforced support for the severely conservative National Party’s...
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Why Congo’s Election Tug-of-War Just Got Even More Complicated

World Politics Review, 07.03.2017
William Clowes, periodista radicial y de prensa en Kinshasa
Since the Democratic Republic of Congo secured its independence in 1960, its people have become accustomed to living under unstable or dictatorial governments, but they entered 2017 especially unsure of where their country stands. At the...
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Tyranny in the 20th Century

Stratfor Global Intelligence, 15.01.2017
Diego Solis (ingeniero comercial-U. Aeronáutica Embry Riddle/geopolítico-U. de Londres) y Stephen Rakowski (master en gobierno-Centro Herzliya de Israel/RRII-U. Franklin de Suiza)
[caption id="attachment_43447" align="alignnone" width="442"] Cuba's Fidel Castro (top) and the Congo's Mobutu Sese Seko (bottom) are just two of the many dictators to arise in Latin America...
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Uncovering the Brutal Truth about the British Empire

The Guardian, 18.08.2016
Marc Parry
The Harvard historian Caroline Elkins stirred controversy with her work on the crushing of the Mau Mau uprising. But it laid the ground for a legal case that has transformed our view of Britain’s past
Help us sue the British government for torture. That was the request Caroline Elkins, a Harvard historian, received...
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