- Accounting for Inertia in Geopolitical Forecasting (Rodger Baker)
- Anticipando la Antártica del Siglo 21 (Juan Francisco Salazar)
- Authoritarianism in Eritrea and the Migrant Crisis (CFR "Backgrounder")
- Balas, abejas y chapuzas detienen una invasión (Jacinto Antón)
- China's Emerging Vision for World Order (Timothy R. Heath)
- Connectivity, Not Primacy, Is the Way of the World (Parag Khanna)
- 'Cuando la gente mira un mapa del mundo solo ve la tierra... los océanos están subvalorados globalmente' [James Stavridis/Juan Pablo Toro V.]
- El Mundo está cambiando (anónimo)
- Geopolitics and the Pitfalls of Provocation (Rodger Baker)
- L’Afpak: dossier géopolitique et stratégique (Margaux Schmit)
- La Guerra Fría revive en los cielos y los mares (Jean Palou Egoaguirre)
- La increíble historia de Thomas Sankara, el Che Guevara africano (Darío Mizrahi)
- La ONU: ¿una vieja máquina sobre nuevos carriles? (Nils-Sjard Schulz)
- La renovación pendiente de Naciones Unidas (La Tercera)
- In Kosovo, Ethnic Conflict Lingers (Stratfor Global Intelligence)
- Is The Pope Catholic? Yes, But You Wouldn't Know It From His Press Clips (Alexander Nazaryian)
- Kissinger ha vuelto para explicarnos cómo funciona el mundo (Daniel Arjona)
- Kissingerian Realism (Jacob Heilbrunn)
- ¿Países poderosos o influyentes? Reconfiguraciones globales en el siglo XXI (Pomeraniec y San Martín)
- Pakistan's Shocking Strategic Shift (Sameer Lalwani)
- Peace Operations in Africa (Danielle Fenwick)
- Portugal, la nueva colonia de Angola (J. Marcos)
- Que pasaría si desaparece la ONU (Tomás Bradanovic)
- The Balkans, Interrupted: The Protests in Macedonia are Only the Beginning (Edward P. Joseph)
- The Eastern Congo (CFR "InfoGuide")
- The Gathering Storm vs. the Crisis of Confidence (H. Brands-Ch. Edel)
- The Geopolitics of American Global Decline (Alfred McCoy)
- The Love of One's Own and the Importance of Place" (George Friedman)
- The New Containment: Undermining Democracy" (C. Walker)
- The New World Disorder (Tariq Ali)
- The Next Global War (Hal Brands)
- The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) (Jonathan Masters)
- The Role of the UN General Assembly (Council on Foreign Relations)
- Three Worlds: the West, East and South and the competition to shape global order (John Ikenberry)
- Turkey in Danger (Thierry Meyssan)
- What’s the Point of Peacekeepers When they Don’t Keep the Peace? (Chris McGreal)
- Who is a Better Strategist: Obama or Putin? (Stephen M. Walt)
- Why the Pope Matters (Paul Brandeis Raushenbush)