- A century after the Russian revolution, the last tsar stands tall (Shaun Walker)
- A Century Later, Lenin’s Legacy Lives On (Ian Morris)
- Crisis en Ucrania: guerra civil e intervención foránea encubierta (Juan Salazar)
- Crisis de Ucrania: los origenes del caos (E. J. Rodriguez)
- "Eastern Europe: Where Two Civilizations Collide" (Ian Morris)
- "El falso mito de la Unión Soviética, Parte I: «Esqueletos en el armario»" (Pablo Paniagua)
- "El fin del comunismo" (Antonio Elorza)
- "El proceso de “reimperialización” de Rusia, 2000-2016" (Mira Milosevich-Juaristi)
- "Fiddler on the Front Line" (Linda Kinstler)
- "Finland and the Bear" (Anna Nemtsova)
- "How to Take Down a Tyrant" (Jeffrey Sonnenfeld)
- "How Russia became the Middle East’s new power broker" (Owen Matthews)
- "Imperial Ambitions: Russia's Miliary Buildup" (Stephen J. Blank)
- "Is Putin Really as Foolish as We Are?" (John Feffer)
- "La abdicación del Xar Nicolás II (1917)" (Alejandro San Francisco)
- "La memoria de la Revolución en la Rusia de Putin" (Jesús de Andrés)
- "La Rusia de Vladimir Putin" (Pilar Bonet)
- "Moldova: The Outsize Significance of a Small Country" (Stratfor Global Intelligence)
- "Perils of Cornering Russia" (Susan Eisenhower)
- "Presencia militar de Rusia: Latinoamérica en el tablero de Putin" (Marcelo Masalleras)
- "Putin el terrible" (Dina Khapaeva)
- "Putin, el mito" (Fernando Mires)
- "Putin no tiene un plan para hacer Rusia grandiosa de nuevo" [Steven Lee Myers]
- "Russia and the West (I): On the Origins of a Conflict" (Eugene Chausovsky)
- "Russia and the West (II): Ukraine Caught Between East and West" (Eugene Chausovsky)
- "Russia and the West (III): Eastern Europe, Finding Strength in Numbers" (Eugene Chausovsky)
- "Russia and the West (IV): The Caucasus, a Crucible for Eurasian Powers" (Eugene Chausovsky)
- "Russia and the West (V): Central Asia, a Different Kind of Threat" (Eugene Chausovsky)
- "Russia’s Imperial Instinct" (Carl Bildt)
- "Russia’s Role in Iran: Another Dimension of the Pivot to the East" (Irina Mironova)
- "Russia’s Story of War" (Harvard University Press)
- "The Devil we Know in Minsk" (Brian Klaas)
- "The Good and Bad in Ukraine" (T. Garton Ash)
- "The Inevitable Fall of Putin’s New Russian Empire" (Alexander Motyl)
- "The Problem with Poland's New Nationalism" (Adam Zamoyski)
- "The Russian Bear: Russian Strategic Culture..." (Norbert Eitelhuber)
- "The Russian Military" (Jonathan Masters)
- "The Soviet Union Is Gone, But It’s Still Collapsing" (Foreign Policy)
- Ukraine and Europe: What Should be Done? (George Soros)
- Ukraine's Persistent Crisis (Stratfor Global Intelligence)
- Ukraine’s Turmoil Is a Gift for the Last Dictator of Europe (Amy Mackinnon)
- "Vladimir Putin, 15 años entre Breznev y Stalin" (Xavier Colás)
- "Why the West Should Pay More Attention to Moldova" (Steven L. Hall)
- "Why Russia has never accepted Ukrainian independence" (The Economist)
- "Why we Liked Americans Better during the Cold War" (Leonid Gozman)